
The Klezmorim Leawes 'em„„

with superb musicianship and sur-_ by D«*inłs Brłtten    . prising showmanship. As a matter

Hćrw many of ua have read 'The of ket, David Julian Cray (the Cherry Orchard*’ of Anton . founding member) bounced aU Chekhov and wondered %vhat was over the Main Stage with a clarinet meant by the "Jewiah Orchestra9'' in his mouth almoet to the point Weil, we had one on Main Stage where he knocked out a tooth.

Saturday night by way of Berkeley,    They madę the audience aware

CaKfomia where The Klezmorim that klezmer has not only bor-waa formęd in 1975.    - rowed from all other sources of

Klezmorim is the plural form of musie but that practically all other klezmer, an Eastem Euro pean Yid- sources of musie have borrowed dish word meaning 'itinerant mu- from klezmer. One hears evidence sician. The original klezmorim of its influence in circus musie, often came from big cities like movies (as we heard in their Sat-Odessa, Warsaw or Bucharest, and urday aftemoon at the Bijou' >, jazz. traveled from performance to pei- Tin Pan Alley and the classics. A formance throughout Central and real highlight of the evening was Eastem Europę. They performed when the band tumed their atten-at weddings. festwals and cabarets. tion to the musie of Duke Ellington The Klezmorim we heard Saturday as heard once at the C ot ton Clubin night is the kind of group we al- New York City. An other was their ways expect or would like to ex- liveły "Yiddishe Charleston." pect at an ethnic wedding and ' It was especially heartwarming neverget because the band hasał- to witness the unmistakeable ready had too much Schlibowitz ethnic pride this laughing, happy ischnaps). They are an exdting and musie seemed to en duce in a large versatile band which includes cla- part of the audience. If only we rinet soprano and alto sax,trom- could have danced in the aisles or bonę, trumpet and comet, tuba, at least drunk schnaps with the piano and percusaioa all played musie; it was conductive to both.


StatMman'8 humor column, 'shrooms,

has diad of neglect.

' h*-A V*\    •    *

Kicfced the bucket.

....Wanting More-im

by Pred S. Jemen    musie has been underground for 50 years, it

The Klezmorin brought their zany mU of helpa one shape ideas of the culture from musie and comedy to the Fine Arts Center* which it came.

main ikp last Saturday.    During the kster numbers — driven by Ueb-

STATESMAN/Alternatives Wednasday, May 9. 1984

They derive their nonę directly from the erman s saxophone and the drums of Tom musie they pisy, Klezmer. You re probabły Stamper — one gets the feeBng of earty 20th wondering what klezmer musie is. Klezmer ia centuiy Rusala accompanled with the izge to the Yłddiah word for an itinerant instrumen- fołd your arna oueryour cheat and jump and taUst and klezmer musie is the legacy ofensem- dance as one might b«ve thought s Coaaack bies that traueled scrosa Europę for 400 years. wouId hrodone.Gray a clarinet flows with the This musie fiourished until the depreaaion melodie beauty of a snake charmer The tuba

piaying of Donald Thcrton proyided a solid The Klezmorim, dx musicians from Berkeley, * base for the experdse of the other performera. CaUfomla, have reatored this musie to Kfs. The The trumpet piaying of Stephen Sazon and the redi(łOovery of klezmer musie, which "has been trombone piaying of Kevin Unacott pUyed a underground for 50 years, States band ' aubatantial role in the tight melodies of the member Lev Lłeberman. occuredłn 1975 when Kłezmcrin.

Liebermsn ran acroes a cache of old 7«a In a The Klezmorin had a wonderful aenae of Berkley muaeum The recorda have continued humor, aa evidenced by their methoda of intro-to prwe themsefees invaluable, for klezmer dudng their aonga One auch number trana-muaic was never written down.    ported us to a speakeasy on aecond avenue in

In a unique, occaakmally blzaire but ałwaya New York City while another placed us in earły entertainlng show, this seztet played the tradt- 20th centuiy Europę. A słdt that waa performetlona! Yłddiah musie of central Europę and by members of the Klezorłm was a tounge-łn-Aaia. WhBe the Klezmorim were at it they gro cheek promotion tor Klezmorin recorda (on the sucftence a leaaon in ethnomuaicology, and sale in the lobby) and was a highlight of the madę it a lot morę fun than it aounda.    e%«ning.

After clarinet (as wefl aa piano! player Davtd    Though many of the aonga performed began

Julian Gray intoduced the Klezmorim as the to sound sfcnilar In their unique style of musie, musie of romance, paaałon. foy, humor and aa wefl as the manner in which they were per-hysteria, thebandprooeededtoiDustrateeach formed the Klezmorim madę for a much en- w of thoae fiscets and morę. Though klezmer Joyed roning.


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