By Howard Breuer
Ouestion: Was It Worth It?
Who was aaked: Graduating Seniora.
Ray Fazzl, Liberał Arta major, Stony Brook resident
Worth it? $10.000 in expenses, my first (Trzy hairs. morę all-nighters than I can remember...? 111 never do it again, but I'm glad I did it! Now let’s get started on the real world.
Evan Bon field; Lib. Sd. major, Irving College: I would stay here longer if I could. It was great to get away to college and spend five years avoiding reality. Ca-reer goal: To hit the six winning numbers as soon as poesible.
Tony Detreo, Eng-lish major, Douglasa College: I’d like to think it was. It wasn’t, but I’d like to think it was. Career Goal: To eventuaily become the scum that everyone thinks I am.
Teresa Hoyla, Eng-lish major. Cente-reach resident: Yes it was. I can honestly say I remembered some of what was said in class, but most of all I enjoyed meeting new people during my four years here. Career goate Media.
Susan Baumel, Pol. Seiy Philosophy major. Douglasa College: Of course it was! I would have spent all that time hanging out on street-comers if I didn’t come here. (Just Kid-ding). Career goal: Entrepreneur.
Robert Randell, Bio Chem Eco major. Irving resident I
was only in it for the winę. the women and the...Career goal: Laura.
“Big Ar Golnick, Politlcal Science major, 8tony Brook resident I suppose so. How else could I have gotten my pic-ture in the newe-paper? Career goal: To get a good nighfs sleep.
Paul Miotło, English major. Whłtman resident How else could I have pro-longed my entrance into the real world and gotten away with it? Career goal: Al-coholic.
Brad Mattison. Hos-tory major. OWetll College: it was an interesting way to get laid. Career goal: to study “da feet"
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