



(Polonez - p. 2)

Steps and Styllng

The Polonez should be danced smoothly, wlth prlde, dignlty,and grace. Torso 18 erect and head held high. Courteous attentlon should be glven to ptr. Wlth each step, ft 6hould be extended and sllghtly turned out. Arms, when extended, are stralght but not rigld. Młs free hand(s) should be ln a flst(s) placed on the fwd part of his hlp(s), elbow(s) fwd and shldr(s) dowr Wlth her free hand(s) W holds her sklrt out to side(s).

Polonez Step - takes 1 meas:    Do a preparatory bendlng of the knees as

you release wt from outslde ft (M-L, W-R)    and    begln to    stralghten outslde

leg as you move ft fwd Just off the floor    (ct    & before    ct 1);    contlnue

motlon of outslde leg and end by stepplng onto lt, knee stralght, as you rlse from lnslde leg (ct 1); do 2 slldlng, elegant steps fwd (cts 2,3). Repeat of Step ls done wlth opp ftwk.

Polonez Step Movlng Bkwd - takes 1 meas:    Do a preparatory bendlng of

the knees as you release wt from ft about to step (ct & before ct 1); take l“step bkwd (ct 1); take 2 smali 6teps bkwd (cts 2,3).

lst Bow - takes 2 meas (described for    M, W use opp    ftwk) :    Step L ft

sdwd to L, leavlng R ft extended on floor    (ct    1 of lst    meas) :    hołd (ct 2

of lst meas); close R ft to L ft (no wt) (ct 3 of lst meas); leavlng L ft ln place and L leg stralght, step back wlth R ft, bendlng knee (ct 1 of 2nd meas); hołd (cts 2-3 of 2nd meas).

2nd Bow - takes 2 meas (done only by M) :    As you lift head sllghtly,

take a smali step L ft sdwd to L, leaving R ft extended on floor (ct 1 of lst meas); hołd (ct 2 of lst meas); close R ft to L ft, wt on both ft (ct 3 of lst meas); bow head (cts 1-2 of 2nd meas); stralghten head (ct 3 of 2nd mea6).

lst Arm Pos: Cpl stands slde by slde, W on M*s R, both faclng LOD.

M: extend R arm fwd, at waist level, palm faclng L. W: place L hand, palm down on M*s R hand.

2nd Arm Pos; Cpl stands slde by slde, on M*s R, both faclng LOD, but M*s upper body turned sllghtly twd ptr. M: extend L arm fwd, at waist levei palm up, and extend R arm dlag up and dlag ln back of ptr. W: place L.hand palm down, on M*s L hand.

Notę on changlng Arm Pos - M: when as6uming 2nd Arm Pos, always do a large upward sweep of stralght R arm; when changlng from 2nd to lst Arm Pos, do a large downward sweep of stralght R arm.


Cpl6 around the room, M*e back to ctr, ptrs faclng each other and holding lnslde hands, jolned arm6 extended ln RLOD; free flet placed on own hip. Unless otherwlse noted, beg all Flgs M-L ft, W-R ft, and dance 1 Polonez Step to each meas.


Measures    Time 5/4


1    No actlon.

2    Wlth 2 steps (M-LR, W-RL) done ln place, face LOD, as sumę lst

Arm Pos, W hołd sklrt (cts 1,2); hołd (ct 3).

3-8 Promenadę ln LOD.

9-10 Stepplng to 6ide to face ptr and extendlng Joined lnslde arms ln RLOD, dance M-2nd, W-lst Bow.

1-2 Faclng LOD agaln and resumlng lst Arm Pos, move ln LOD.

3-10 Repeat actlon of previous 3-10 meas.

1-8 Contlnue promenadę ln LOD.



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