TWE DARY NEWS, MONDAY, JUlY 4, 1953    3


Rennies Pcol:




I f



łti alt£ IS*. ^oeitrt-irhapt l« 25 The buy reme [rem a i »uf.


Ihey m and i y.ac*

Ml Of rt cap-

|to bor-bufci. toit ol ■Ul Bm t-rtagei aock-

a rafe» jrar a the I raUWy I *«tal

10 ip-the Inelr In* remata

hf tocłe-


I* to pay

it one-ing tollt My. Tb# 1^1111 la 15». to I mit e! reay

| pat In a oe the


uroniły Iru. i«bI-:cdrooma. twe mm fłly haritf rordlng to

•n wora-takie ot lnte the to mott, the aeit wttl buy do * by Ifllt twe

Dop)oring the nccessity of tht tuthorities to cios* down the Hennie s Rłver Swimming Pool, Mayor Mews toki a press conference on Saturday that this is just an-othed chaptcr in the story of the expansion of St. John'* and outlylng arcas.

FOUR MEMBERS ot the St. John** Junior Cham ber ot Commcrce entertninlnf; the reorly 500 delegates Irom all ewr Canada at the 20th National Conventlon of the JaycMt, whlch was hcld at Hallfax las*, week. Pictured •borę are Tom Doyle, Art Harr.ett, George Joyce and Frank Armstrong—the Ncwfoundland Rcprcscntatlres nl the Convention—leading the delegates in “The Squid-jlggir.'Gvxind" during a Lunchcon sponsored by New-(nundland Business Houses and the St. John’s Junior Chamber. f.ewToundland Fish Sticks, through the courtcsy of Fishery Products Ltd., were the order of the day. Art Hamett, on bohalf of the local Chamber. welcomcd Ihe delegates and estended to each of them a cordial Inrita tlon to vMt Canada’s Newest Prwlncc at any.time. Song riteels of Ncwfoundland Folk Song* were supplled for the occasion through the courtcsy of Gcrald S. Doylc Ltd. So popular were the local songs Ihat the St. John's Jaycecs wcrc callcd upon on many occaiions to lead the group in singing Ncwfoundlond Folk Songs. During the four-day Conrention the local delegates mc*. Jayeecs from all the other nine Prorinces and discussed with them the rarious projects which the Jaycecs sponsor during the ycar.


Order’s Chancellor

Due St. John’s To day

Will Confer Local Honours

The Hen. Sir Albert J. Wftlsh, Kt, President of the it John Ambulance in Kewfocndland, has announced that C. A. Gray, Esq., Chancellor of the Venersbie Order of St John of Jerusalcm In Canada, will arrive from Ottawa to-day on a fcur day visit to this Province.

Kr. Cny, w be to ftatttaf New-froadland for tU Ural ilme li wtfely kaewa U Cenedlan bank-lt| tal f.undil flrclff Ha re-tked frocr. tba Itoyal Bank ot Can-•da la tba airfy IMCTi after aer-net la Hallfas. Wtodaer. NJ.;

Fort ad Spala. Trlaldad; SL John.

XBl; Kair.Ilon atd Ottawa. Ott.

Kt 14 net mula IructUa tery kaag. TU Ottawa Boanl ci Tradc wda h.m Jta aemterysuiagfr Vr. be gart up thii j*et when calkd apca by tba DmbIaIob Cer-•rianJL te eerra oe tka Impectint bnrd of Raf trata ta tba Dr jurt-oi National Kcvanoa. Kr.

Cray bu głrea dtv:tad lerrlra to tbe Order et 51 Je ha. Ha waa tba Tm mm ot tba Caaećlsa Branek Kace IKS aod ehm tba Cem-

mendety w»i termed ta l»5i U

aoaat et tba Ceuminóery ta IM •ad »u Boda CbaectUer ehaa tha CesiaaBdery m cbangtd la tba autu et a Prkry.

Za tba abevt patera ba la •baon wrtrlaj tbe minOa and ta-algula of a Knlght et C rut et i bo Order of St. Joba. Ha kat alao beta awarded the SL Jahe Scniee łtadal wlth Palm.

A poblk-^htcd cstlna. Mr. Gray bai beta te tba lorefront ta sany orgaoltatiooa. aoUbty the Catailan Club et Ottawa of which be bu bece tha Haocrwy Trrasum for maca tban 55 jeira. kr. Cray la marrted to Kariel Anita, diugbter of tbe Ute XŁ Hon. r. A. Angtz, aief Jmtko U Canada. They baw a im UmL (Ceattaoed aa paga 14)

Mayor Mews Explains Reason For Closing

Claims Alternate Pool Would

Cost $150 000



West Coast Man Victim Of Stabbing


Ha bUaod tbe muy acp4le tanki akog tbe watmbed for tba of tbe waler Oew* lag tato the pool ani uld U wai that oo effertht mętu e:ald be M to pjrity U.

Aiart lf aometbbg caold fce dane to centro! tbeu irptk unki havt Ibca IniUUed ta loch a runner as aot lo coaUmlaite tbe rtstrs and paods In the aro, Mayer Mens uif tbat the troobk acrmrtf to be tbe wet and bogfir Mture of tbe ud ta tbe SL Jobt i aro wtich prtteeli the coaipklc aad utiifactory opera-lun et the Unks and eauwi germ-Udea aewrragt te ftaw ett .lale poads and Mrraiu.

He uld that tbis situation b aot pfcullar to St. John s. It Kai beea tbe esperienet ia tU Urge citlei wilk the resntt that vlrta#lly aS aaturil frrab waler iwimmtag poeta havt toppeartd.

Ai for a mJMoi ta tbe profeleas the Mayor uld tbat tbert ais onły one alternatne aid tbat b to eonjtroct • iwtmming pool rappty It froa the rtty waler re-terrein and fcuUl a modern fiH-erlrg plant so that the waler cwW be «sed and ovrr agata. U tbta cor.tert ja be aatd tbat tt would

aot be possible to peraiU tbe fret fkw et water from Windsor Lakę tKreugb a awlaming pool u It •oałd taka u aaorh or morę tha o b uied daily ta tU city and would redoee pmiorea and acpęfy ta the danger letcL He uld the coet ot foch a pcol and the filterlag plant wtriM be at but USO.tiOft.

Tbla b ebttaetiy toe Mg an an-dertiklng for tbe dty and M has ieea taggested tka! joint art ea tbe part et afl aemce c>abe ta SL Joha‘i might retalt ta tbe eeo-stroctiM ot oae er tw

MeaewbUe tbe Menkipal Cvul dl will ceeunue to do whaterer b pcaaible to krep tbe Bewriug Park poel ajei At the pceien*. tiaie the witer Ii ektad»attd and la Ute from cMiamifiatloa whee K flewa down fbrwgh the po»L Cotrtadtaj tbe Mayer afUUd tbat u great b tht probtam ef aewrragt diapeeil in thli dty that lf ezpenalM cestincea at the preacnt ratę It mlgkt beromi r.eceaury to eiteod aewer eutleta the harbocr which. tt et łta par Iły Uadlocked aoture b new receiring aa much acvrrage u cm be haodlrd wttB-eat eadjagerłng the beatih ot dtbeat.

s* -.*•

Tłie Western Memoriał HosptUl it Comer Brook rt-ported lut night that Alonzo Cormier, victim of (niuriday's $ stabbing at St. ,nieresa's on the west coast, is now out of | danger.

As far as can tw leamed. the young man and a ecm-panion bccame involved In an argument whłch de\wloped into a fight. So \idont was the altercation that Cormtar i' '.wis carried from the scene with a knife in his riba.

He was taken to Comer Brook where an troergency \ opmation was performed. In performing tht operatkm f doctora had to remove a large quantity of clotted Kocd •. from around the wound ar)d then sew up a hole ripped by •!

the knift when It entered the vfctim's lung.

Tribute Paid To Nfld’s War Dead

In Impressiie Ceremony

At National Memoriał ii

Despite rain ind threatening weather which focctd ! csr-cellation of the planned paradę, cltizens gathered yes- >. terday at the National War Memoriał to partidptto In tht :• imprtssive pageant of remembrance honouring Newfound-land*i wkr dead.


Codfish Reported Yery Plentiful

You coeld aliaost walk on tbe eod-fah from tha S^ar Uaf. j«at north od SL Jota*i. to Cape SL rnocia, a flaberman toM the DAILY NEWS en Saturthy AD trap crtwa were getttag M much u they would hardle and s:«f were ktting down aa itucb u tbey wrrt tiking out ot theśr' trayo.

Aboot 0),«0 pcfi-di ot tbe kuge cabh ukr* Sttardey. were ahipped to Job*! South $>4t ptant for flDeUac Ihe remaleder «is hiodlri et Steer'! ul: curing PtaaL

It b not kaowa wbetber any ot

the ratek waa left erer atd aold for flak troal alaeg wftb thr offaL Eirtkr la the week aomt ftaher mra were forerd te aell aa wrneb u feur tou ot gaod rod to Crmbta-f fiab mul fdant at 1700 per Im. lf thb flsh eooli harc hrrn aoM for ulUag or tar fUlrt-tag. U would ha te setted tke crew ta the eWnlty of SUMO In-ateed et thr $25 reaftad.

Sceno flshemen bit knewn that they »«uVJ rathrr dump the fbh back ta the ara thaa uli It for |7!0 per tan.

Retarded Children’s Aid Society

Ponawlag U tbe fint Uat of «ab-Kr.ytloea ta tbe fuad ter the lew arbool ter Bctarded ChDdrtn -IIOOOO—Mr. K K Ctyde Leki. WOOO-kr. D. Stewart Ayro. I. f. Perli» k Co. LtA, Brook-fttM Ire Cmi LtA, Ten* Non ktrjn UoL

KSOO-Str Leonard C tatar-HdN. Pwbw * Mooroe. Dr. C H. Brewwigg, Hkkaua Motaci


mOO-Geo. G. X Faraona, kui Mcesn Ud, Bale# John-itoa ! Ce. Ud, Isduitrial Ac-ceptance C:rp S150O—MarakaD Metan 11000—Mr. F. W. Marshall, WhelaiTi Ginie UL, MeKleky Metan Ud . CMy lata k kotle Ce. Ud, Old Cekey Oeh, Ernrat Cloaataa UL, J. C Pratt k Ce. LU

•SOO—Mr. W*. MacGillłtray. kr J:ha Cdlrgweod. Mim Bitb

Collision On

LeMarchant Rd.

A twe car eetlbion eenrred o* UMerchant Road jraterday at 540 pa. A nhkle pronedlng eut alwg tba itrtet atopped and an-etber car comtaf beiled ptaefked tato tbe beck of the ear aUad. Tbere was ooJj allgM daaage to tbe cara tarot rod ud bo peraceal tajartea.

Tbe drtaer of the wllldlng ear wai ycoe;Uy taken to tbe polkę atattea ud bookcd en a dnekrs ring cbarge.

Teachers Asked

Honor Contraets

boarda by tur hen appljag for and Ktopttag trachtag poaśtioaa and thea migtotg their poattioni —rory cfler. befeee tba bwgtantag tt the acheol ycar and; WMEBEAS tbta actlea Kaa adten reaultrd ta Uo IftaMBty ef tU burd cm-cerr.ed to aecura tenchera far )ta

TU taDcwtag roolutlon ni paaaed at tbe Ccwalu U deta-ptrs of 1U Ntwfc-JBdliad Traclr    irCftl.tpn

en* Aaaoclatloa, a asem bied ta Co* U n RŁS0Ł'E0 femee et daremUle:    ConaratlM go oe reter

pkrtzg aorb a Mtaatbe

WHEREAS !t to tU-atteatica ttoa tbat naci beea craaed to

bai beea brcogbt

of tbta Coaron-

tMa enetbkal condwct of aueb teacUrs


Mra KathleoB Jenea. • wife et Unit-Commantar Jones, arrirod ta tU city yeaterdiy. SU was ac-nmpooM by Ur twe acos, Robin and Rkky. Wbfie bece. Mn. Jones will U atajlif wkk Ur itotUr, Mtl JL C- Cleary, m .* Anion Tenace, TeptaU JUel

Spocili Memoriał aenicei Uld ta City CbartUa. aad at aoeo the Scrgranti RMual wsi rtetted at tU Sergreat'1 Memoriał where wrealkea ««rt !aid by tU Caaadlaa Legko and tU Srrgear.ti Meu tt Newfoundtand.

At tbe Nattoeal Meaortal Sir Leonard tatarbrldge, Kt CBE. DSO. Ueateaant Goeerner, wai recełted at U4S by the Prertncłal fiecut.ro Cowtcil U tbe Cin-adbft Legion, lncledltg Pretłtoial Prraidet: Frank Trmplteiat and SL Johna Branek PreatdeH W, Gordon Warren.

TU Boya! Sałato *»• licea, and tbe asser.bly tUe jolned ta tha dnging et “O Gad Owr Help In Agea PaaT. wbkh waa foDowtd by .The Dead Martb" played by tbe CLB Band.

TU Reroilonal Hymn "Cod ot Our Fal Uri* ■ai-tbea played by tU Silrotioa Army Baad. follew-Ing which tU Impressiro riteal ot wrrath-laylng Ugan TU Ant wreath waa Uld by Sir Leonard Outerbrłdge. foUowcd by Lady taterbrldge oa UUlf of tU We-mea*a Patrtatk AaaociaUa. TU Attarney General. Hon L JL Curtis. repraented tU Premier and tU CoYfrimeet of Newdeasdland. and Prerident Fresk Ttaiplemaa liid a wreath m Uha^ of tbe Cnnedua Ugioe. Hla Worablp Mayer Mewa repreaeetod tbe City of SL Jeha'a. and Mn. Margare: (YBrien, wbo tael three mbi ia tU lan( war. rryrewotad tU Metb-en. Other wrotUe were Uld by

tbo rarioua foce gn ronaulates.

JbcJO Jly. U au*. a Au*. 1* StpŁ i s*rt

1090—Mr. GJbfrt E Hlggtaa. KOO-Mr Scott Meror kr B. GHUaghim

SiOO-Mr. X. C. McCrattaa.

AN MWCnON SEBYICE wss held at Wesley United Church Ust cvenlng when Rcv. A. S. Butt, BA., BD., took ov er the pulpit of his new charge.


Service Induction Of Rev. A.S. Butt Held Last Night

TTie Induction service oC Rev. Dr. A. S. Butt, BJi.t Bi)., as the minister ind pastor of WesJey United Church wts held yesterdsy cvening bcforc t crowded coogregi-tion. •. . * •

Bet. X N. Jtowaell. pettjStnl ot tU United . Clrarch Ncwfeand-land Confertace coodortad tU iierrke nad rod tU Charge to tU ; new mIMittf. JUt. Dr. H. M. Dnwe, Saperteteidcat of Mlukei ller tU Untted CUrcb Newfound-[land Confrmce gnro tu charge to the mtotater, and Ret. L A 'D. Curtis. BA. BD. giro tU cUrge ta tU ce^rtgatiea. # * TU lingi ag. toad by tU Jntor cUlr roftatallng o! meir.Urs of tU Sudoy Srhool fflled ŁU cUrch |u tu ceegregatlea antted ta be-

Aflcr tU Letmn. wbkh waa rod by Bet. Mr Jtawaell. Brr. Mr. Dawe apókc of tU wwt of tU mlnlatrr of a Church, whkb U itomfled omjer Ihro ktoL Ingi. (I) TU reapoosIbdlUy ot preachtag tU .Word ef Cod; (2) TU Uak ef Pastorał werk. Pto aówrlsb1 tU ftack." Ne men can do tU werk ef Cod ta Ma charge wtthowt ffcttlng te know tU 'pew pk and ahariag tUłr jeyt. aor (Ceetimifd on page 14) a


Jtayal ;* Aray, Force !

etber aocietiea.


and Royal Cinadiaa were repreaeated. aa BCMP tU CNI War YeUrana, : aad War AmpnUtJeoa of CiLeio. >* Tfcen foUowtd tU moet • Im- f. part ef tU aotaitn and ? ccremcay. TU — of tU bagta aoartd oot or tU atill alg. and tU maUldae. waa: kuihed U reerrtnee for 1U dura-; ttoa of tu TWO Mlnstea SMence. wUe tba Fitę Party rtmataed ? wltb bowed Uada atd reroned ^ arna.    .    " :

Tbo ahirp erach of tbe riCea . broke the aliDneu aa tU Three ; Yolleja were aoanded. and tUe, J tattaitely ud, tU mournfui notm : of tha Lut Poat aoonded clotr.. f Tbere tli • briif buk. an< :: tUn tU Solrottoa Aray bcoU tata' the triumpUat kUijab Chonia to affidaUy tbe ccreconln.

TV entire Pifcaat ycaterday?

«u fcroitfcut. «r.i Ub tu jhly' u.i ijmpali.lic.lly hindlrf *yCipł. U C. Murphł ud Hr. Dkk > (ntita.    -i




Steal Safe

On faferdaj aight thJrtn ?• broU tata. tU premiaee of G. E. : ■d Company and atole ^ aafe eor.nt! tg 53S 00 to caab >

reprtseititiro et frater na roeClpttan reattanen

a rem hec ot eCuUo dogw- $ mawta. Up to a łata Wer talt nigM j: polkę bad aot mad# any errfft Ib connectioa wltb tU tbeft. TU to -!

gin tU arnice wltb tU ' wcU knowo bymn, -TU Chatek** Om

fj..    v


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