Know why women were the protected sex? Know why men always stood on sink-ing ships or “burning decks” and shouted: “Women and children first?” Know why they battled those urges to jump into the first available life-boat and make for dry land?
Men were bothered about the survival of the race. Suppose the ship went down with all the helpless women on board while the men swam merrily to shore, what would happen?
For a time the men would look at each other and cluck sympathetically. Then they would wring their hands, scratch their heads and say: “You don’t say it’s an in-habited island!” Next day they would sigh: “Oh for a woman!”
Then tell dirty jokes. Or become homosexuals.
It would not matter very much if it were only a ąuestion of sex. But the ąuestion of progeny madę it a grave matter. Those men were doomed. It meant their race would end there.