
Marek Rabsztyn

Polish Railways in 2005

Polish State Railways (Polskie Koleje Państwowe - PKP) rank among the largest in Europę. With its 19,000 route--km network it takes the third place in Europę, after Germany (35,858 km) and France (29,352 km).

PKP passenger traffic amounted to 218 million in 2005, down from 267 million in 2004 - according to UIC statistic - but we must add the 39 millions passengers carried by Koleje Mazowieckie (KM) railway, separated from PKP in 2004. This gives us 257.4 million passengers carried in Poland in 2005 and puts Po-land in ninth place in Europę, as follows:

1.    DB AG, Germany 1,781 million passengers in 2005

2.    AT0C, United Kongdom 1,078

3.    SNCF, France    974

4.    UZ, Ukrainę    518

5.    FS, Italy    514

6.    Rente, Spain    505

7.    NS, Holland    320

8.    SBB, Switzerland    278

9.    PKP + KM, Poland    257

10. BC, Belarus    141

and dozens ot smaller countries in Europę.

In freight tratlic and volume of goods carried, according to the same UIC source, PKP Group ranks third in 2005:

1.    UZ, Ukrainę    450.3    million    tonnes

2.    DB AG, Germany    266.5

3.    PKP Group, Poland    149.7

4.    SNCF, France    107.5

5.    F0C, Great Britain    102.7

6.    ÓBB, Austria    86.8

Decline in railway traffic

PKP Group suffered losses of 13.7 million tonnes in 2005 (-8.4%) compared with 2004, according to UIC source. But the-re are still morę powerful open access operators, which carried 121.3 million tonnes in 2005. This traffic - 121.3 million tones - was madę both over private lines (as an international industry transport) and PKP PLK lines.

2005 I    ~l 257.4

Fig. 2. Transfer ol passengers in millions by PKP (ev. PKP + KM) in years


The PKP SA group consists of 11 operational companies and some companies dealing with repair and overhaul of railway ap-pliances. The operational subjects are:

■    PKP Headquarter SA (pic)


■    PKP LHS Sp. z o.o. (Ltd)

■    PKP Intercity Sp. z o.o.

■    PKP Przewozy Regionalne Sp. z o.o.

■    PKP SKM Gdańsk - Gdynia Sp. z o.o.

■    PKP WKD Sp. z o.o.


■    PKP Telekomunikacja Sp. z o.o. (telecommunication)

■    PKP Energetyka Sp. z o.o. (power supply)

■    PKP Informatyka Sp. z o.o. (IT)

In passenger traffic, PKP Intercity Sp. z o.o., the most presti-gious Polish long distance operator, carried 9.6 million passengers in 2005, compared with 7.9 million in 2004. This is 1.7 million morę and an inerease of 21.5%. It also managed to improve its business activity, from a 40m PLN loss in 2004 to a 3m PLN profit in 2005. But regional traffic suffered losses, so the total drop was from 266.8 million in 2004 to 257.4 million passengers in 2005 and the overall result is negative - 3.5% fewer passengers in 2005 than in 2004.

PKP Intercity runs about 250 trains daily, including overnight and international services. About 40 trains a day attain the maxi-mum linę speed of 160 km/h on the Central Trunk Linę (CMK) from Warszawa to Kraków or Katowice and on the east-west cor-ridor from Warszawa to Poznań and further to Rzepin at the German border.

ttS 9/2006    3


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