Basic laws of chemistry (mass conservation law, law on constant composition, gas laws). Atomie structure, Chemical bonding. Solutions: competent and colloid. The methods and principles of expressing concentrations of Solutions. Classification of the Chemical reactions. Redox reactions. Classification of organie compounds and their groups properties. The liinctional groups in organie compounds and their Chemical properties (characteristic reactions). The use of concepts and laws of chemistry in the accounting tasks. Calculation of the concentration rates, mole percent, and the pH of the solution. Classification and logos of dangerous substances, health and safety in the Chemical laboratory. Nomenclaturc and distribution of Chemicals.

Recommended literaturę


Kędryna T, Chemia ogólna z elementami biochemii, Kraków, 2007

Persona A., Reszko-Zygmunt J., Gęca T., Zbiór zadań z chemii ogólnej i analitycznej z pełnymi rozwiqzaniami, Medyk, 2011.


Jones L., Atkins P. W., Chemia ogólna, Warszawa, 2004.

Pazdro K. M., Zbiór zadań z chemii. Zakres rozszerzony, Oficyna Edukacyjna. K. Pazdro. 2010.

Assessment methods and criteria

Lecture - written exam (test): P W01. P W02, P W03. P U01. P U02, P U03. P KOI. P K02,

P K03.

The presence of the exercises, written tests and interpretation: P W01. P W02, P W03, P U01, P U02, P U03, P KOI. P K02. P K03.

Student workload

Number of hours

fuli time studies/part-time studies

Contact hours


lndividual work of student

Class preparation


Study of the literaturę


Preparation for tests and the examination




Total student workload (hours)


Number of ECTS credits allocated





Occupational Health and Safety, 12


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