Dear Readers,
A wise development policy should promote cooperation and the natural social and economic processes to help strengthen ties between regions. This is why it is a great pleasure for meto be ableto presentth e Strategy for Development of Western Poland - another strategy that responds to specific challenges for supra-regional areas. The Strategy for Development of Western Poland makes it possible to determine both -the macro-regional development opportunities, as well as to effectively strengthen them. The document is the result of a partnership cooperation between the Ministry of Infrastructure and Development and self-governments of five voivodeships (Dolnośląskie, Lubuskie, Opolskie, Wielkopolskie, Zachodniopomorskie), supported by experts. Our shared intention was to prepare a development strategy for Western Poland, which will be the basis for planning specific actions in 2014-2020 perspective, to increase the competitiveness of the macro-region.
Western Poland has a high potential for dynamie growth. Favourable location in Europę, research potential and the willingness of regional self-governments to cooperate ensure high investment attractiveness of the area. Better use of these advantages can be achieved through Solutions planned in the Strategy.
Western Poland has unique opportunities for development. Effective use of these opportunities can make it an attractive and open area by 2020, establishing the conditions for close cooperation and mobilising for creative activity, which is successfully competing at home and abroad.
I believe that the actions taken on the basis of this Strategy will contribute to a sustainableboost ofdevelopment processes in the macro-region, creating conditions to increase its competitiveness and improve the quality of life of residents.
Elżbieta Bieńkowska
linister of Infrastructure and Development