shapes have been determined accurately for a flexibly attached blade using a direct numerical integration technique (1841. Numerous methods for finding modal quantitles have been compared with compo-nent modę synthesis 11851.

Effects of mistuning have been researched (186). Partial detuning of a blade ring has been studied from a frequency diagram (187]. The blade response to the pliability of fixing has been evaluated and checked [1881. Significant minor resonances have been observed over and above the critical speeds of the disc [1891. The dynamie behavior of blades with a tree root has been investigated by a method of harmonie balance [1901; the reduced impedance method with substructure analysis was used [191). Kuznetsov [1921 has compared theoretical blade strength with actual values. The spline interpolation technique has been used to study the stress distribu-tion and flexural vibrations of rotating annular dises of varying thickness [1931 • Graphic results are avaił-able for the vibration analysis of rotating orthotropic dises having variable thickness and density along their radius [194], Calculation of critical rotating speeds for laminated dises of different composite materials has been presented by Hinkel [1951.


1.    Durocher. L.L. and Kane. J., "Preliminary Design Tool for Pretwisted Tapered Beams or Turbinę Blades." J. Mech. Des., Trans. ASME. 102(4). pp 742-748(1980).

2.    de Neeven. P.F.W. and Dukkipati, R.V., "A Procedurę for Axial Blade Optimization," J. Engrg. Power, Trans. ASME. 101 (31), pp 315-319(1979).

3.    Ramamurti, V. and Sreenivasamurthy, S.. "Dynamie Stress Analysis of Rotating Twisted and Tapered Blades." J. Strain Anal., 10 (3). pp 117-126 (1980).

4.    Hirschbein, M.S., "Bird Impact Analysis Pack-age for Turbinę Engine Fan Blades," NASA Tech. Memo 82831 (1982).

5. Workshop Proceedings. "Low Pressure Steam Turbinę Blade Failures 1978." EPRI WS-78-114, Detroit. Ml (June 28-29,1978).

6.    Pukhlii, V.A., "Design of Wing-Shaped Blades for Radial Turbomachines," Energomashinos-troenie. (10), pp 10-13 (1980) (In Russian).

7.    Pukhlii, V.A., "Strength Analysis of S-Shaped Blades of Radial Impellers." Energomashinos-troenie, (1). pp 22-25 (1981) (In Russian).

8.    Berowski, Tadewsz, "Determination of Bending Moments in Fluid-Flow Machines." Przegla Mechaniczny, 41 (1-7), pp 10-13 (Apr 1982) (In Polish).

9.    Tadewsz, B., "Bending Moment Loading of the Blade Systems of Axial Flow Working Turbomachinery." Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Łódzkiej Mechanika. 62. pp 17-32 (1981) (In Polish).

10.    Zaslotskaria, L.A. and Umanski. S.E.. "A Software Package for Computing the Three-Dimen-sional Stressed State of the Blades of Gas-Turbine Engines." Problemy Prochnosti. pp 34-39 (Mar 1983) (In Russian).

11.    Rao, J.S.. "Turbomachine Blade Vibration." Shock Vib. Dig., 12.(2),pp 19-26 (1980).

12.    Leissa, A.W., "Vibrations of Turbinę Engine Blades by Shell Analysis," Shock Vib. Dig., 12 (11). pp 1-10 (1980).

13.    Leissa, A.W., "Vibrational Aspects of Rotating Turbomachinery Blades." Appl. Mech. Rev., 34 (5), pp 629-635(1981).

14.    Leissa, A.W. and Ewing, M.S., "Comparison of Beam and Shell Theories for the Vibrations of Thin Turbomachinery Blades." J. Engrg. Power. Trans. ASME. 105 (2). pp 383-392 (1983).

15.    Umemura, S.. Masę. M.. and Kodoya, V.. "Vi-bration Analysis of Grouped Blades of Turbines by the Finite Element Method," Tech. Rev. Mitusbishi Heavy Indus.. 16 (2). pp 85-91 (June 1979).

16.    Hoa. S.V., "Vibration of a Rotating Beam with Tip Mass," J. Sound Vib., 67 (3). pp 369-381 (1979).


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