
Optima! Sinapłe Spaa Lengtha for Flerible Guideway a

L. Minnetyan

Clarkson College of Tech., Potsdam. NY 13676, ASCE J. Struć. Engrg., 110 (1). pp 138-153 (Jan 1984) 8 figs. 2 tables. 7 refs

Kay Wordi: Internetion: vehicle-guideway

In the design of elevated vehicle/gułdeway system* severel perameters play import ant rolet in tha dynamie performance. The vehicle inert iel and sumension propartiet, guideway mass par unit length, tpan length, itructural damping characteris-tic* and turfaca finith tolarances ara important factort. Tha two mott important dynamie phenomena which require accommodation in tha tyttem design ara vahicle *u*>ens»n raaonanca and guideway beam retonance. A detailed dynamie a sta Mm ant of tha optimum timply tupported guideway ipan length ii pratantad. Tha affeett of all parameters to tha system performance ara examinad and crnical paramatric combinations ara identified for a practical design axampla of a yahicla/guidaway system.

Kyushu Unlv., Hakozaki, Higashi-ku. Fukuoka-shi, Japan, Buli. JSME. J6 (222). pp 2193-2199 (Dec 1983) 8 flgs. 12 refs

Key Words: Intaraction: rail-wheel. Coupied response, Lateral vibretion

A study on tha coupied lateral vibration between the raił and railway vehicle's whaals is presented. The raił is modeled as an inf initely k>ng beam on an elastic foundation with two springs with remact to lateral daflection and torsion. The aquations of motion describing a coupied vibration between lataral daflection and torsion of raił are introduced. The Problams of lataral and vertical staady State yibration of railt are formulated auuming that the contact point between a wheal and a raił moves at constant spaed. The mechanical impedanca and displacement function are obtained in order to clarify the dynamie cheracteristics of the raił.



Yehicle-Stmcture Inter actions in Bridge Dynamics

E.C. Ting and M. Yener

Purdue Univ., West Lafayette, IN 47907. Shocfc Vib. Dig.,15 (12). pp 3-9 (Dec 1983) 41 refs

Key Words:    Intaraction:    vahicle-ttructura, Interaction:

vahicla-guidaway, Bridgas. Ravławs

A graet amount of literatura axists on dynamie intaraction prób lam s concerning guideways and moving yehicle*. Bacausa of tha mathamatical difficulties introducad by tha coupling tarms in tha bahavioral govarning dHfarantial aquation, tha tranwarsa inertia effect of a moving vehicle is often ne-glactad. With tha improvad availability of advancad Computer mathods and facilłtias. it has bacoma possibta to taka into eccount tha kinamatics of tha intaraction problem. In this article rac ant davak>pmants in anałytical and numarical approachas for solving vehicla-guidaway intaraction problams ara discuseed; ralatad racant literatura is cited. In addition, racantly ralavant axperimental davak>pments ara prasantad.


CoopW LatenJ V2>rations Between Raił and Rai-way Vehsclc’a Wheela. Part 1: Equations of Motion of Rai and Ita Guracteriatica

A. Sueoka, T. Ayabe, and H. Tamura


Two-Dimensaonal Unsteady Planing Surface

M. Bessho and M. Komatsu

Natl. Defense Academy. Yokosuka, Japan, J. Ship Res.. 28 (1). pp 18-28 (Mar 1984 ) 5 figs. 22 refs

Key Words: Boats, Airfoils. Hydrodynemie excitetion

Tha two-dimensional unstaady problem of a fiat planing surface is analyzad based on airfoil theory. Tha analysis traets tha effect of time-varying wetted length on addad mass and damping coafficiant. When the reducad frequency ba-comes vary smali, tha changa in wetted length approachas ditplacament of the intersection of the planing turfaca and tha undisturbed wat er surface. In the limłting case of zero fraquency. the wetted length changę reduces to zero.


The Diffraction of Free- Surface Waves by c Slender Ship

P.D. Sclavounos

Massachusetts Inst. of Tech.. Cambridge. MA. J. Ship Res.. J2S. (1). pp 29-47 (Mar 1984) 19 figs. 1 table. 31 refs

Key Words: Ships, Intaraction: structure-ffuid

A linaar theory Is pratantad for the scattering of smali-amplituda monochromatic and unidirectional free-surface


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