inwestigated. Analytical resuKs are compered with those from the conyentionel numerical time integratbn method. In addhion, an efficient time integration algorithm is deser bed which cen be u sod to predict the peak diiplacementi of the transition aolution wrthout tracing the whole weveform. a ueaful procedura when no harmonie steady-state eolution exists. The condhions under which blade re*x>nse can be edequateiy modeled by simuleting only dynamie frictionare eetablished.
H.M. Thiele
Bundesministerium fuer Forschung und Technologie, Bonn-Bad Godesberg. Fed. Rep. Germany, Rept. No. BMFT-FB-T-83-111,76 pp (June 1983)
DE83751247 (In German)
Key Worda: Rotor blades Iturbomachinery), Turbinę blades, Vibration test*, Qualif kation tests
This project deals whh the devekjpment and conctruction of the 50 m rotor blade* of the 3 MW Growian-Windturbine. The design concept rftows a load carrying untwisted Steel spar and a GFRP-skin which leads the aerodynemie forces into the tpar. After connroction ot a test bieda sretic toećinę teett and a dynamie vibratk>n test were per for mad. Fatigue tests at crrtical wekJings as well asat the connection between spar and panel werealso performed.
A.P. Kurkov
NASA Lewis Res. Ctr., Cleveland. OH 44135, J. Engrg. Gas Turbines Power, Trans. ASME, 106 (1). pp 44-49 (Jan 1984) 13 figs. 7 refs
Key Wordt: Blades. Fan blades, Flutter
Dur Ing the operetlon of a turbofan anginę at part speed, near stall, and elewted inlet preseure and temperatura, several ylbretory inttebilltles were excited słmuhaneously on the firtt fan rotor. The torslonal and bendlng contributions to the ma In flutter moda were resohred by using casing-mounted optical dłtplecement sensors. Strain-gage spectra were u sad to Identłfy other instabllities In the bledebeflection n>ectra. The characterłttłcs of optkal-dhphcement spectra and their role of monitoring rotor-blade vft>rations erę dlscuseed.
R.L. Jay, J.C. MacBain.and D.W. Burns Detroit Diesel Allison Div. of General Motors. Indianapolis. IN 46206, J. Engrg. Gas Turbines Power, Trans. ASME.J06 (1). pp 50-56 (Jan 1984) 17 figs, 4 refs
Key Wordt: Blades, Vanes, Disks, Turbomachinery, Experi-mental data, Interaction: rotor-stator
The structural re«>onie of a bladed turbinę disk due to excKation from an upstreem stator row was meesured using strain gages. Rig testing performed in a realistic eer ody nemie environment was preceded by a static wibratory seerch in which individual blade frequencies and system modet were identified by strain response and holography. In the rig testing special emphasis was placed on identifying the dynamie reiponie resulting from the interaction between the vanes and blades. An analytical description of the forcing function which retultt from the difference between the number of btades and the number of vanes is pretented and correlated wKh detailed blade retpontes both in terms of ampIKude and interbtada phasing.
Flow Comprtmon
R. Parker
Univ. College of Swansea. Singleton Park, Swansea SA2 8PP, Wales, J. Sound Vib., 92 (4). pp 529-539 (Feb 22.1984) 7 figs. 10 refs
Key Word*: Blades, Compresaor blades. Acoustic excKation. Retonant response
A study is madę of the oondKions in which vibration of the blades of an axiel flow compresaor can be excKed by acoustic resonences of the annulus. Such resonances can be generated by sUlled blade rows and therefore occur during part speed operation.
U. Haupt and M. Rautenberg
Univ. of Hannover, Hannover. W. Germany, J. Engrg. Gas Turbines Power. Trans. ASME, 106 (1), pp 70-78 (Jan 1984) 24 figs, 4 refs