the inside pocket together with those on the outside.
edge. Work to the desired facing length and bind off tightly.
DiakonaI pockers are the right touch for sonie cardigans. For cxample, long cardigans worked in plain stock-inette stitch necd something cxtra. Here. diagonal puckets will make rhe liipline Inok .dimmer.
Work the wuisthnnd and che froni i*» ihc bottom edge of the pocket.
No w pul the outer third of rhe stitchcs on .1 stitch holder and Iir>t work the front, with the slnnted edge for the pocket. Id do tliis. decrease 1 stitch every second row: On the left front, work .1 single decrease (slip I stitch, then knit 1 stitch, and pass the slipped stitch over). On the right front, knit 2 stitchcs together. You can work these decreases over the schcdgc stitch .md the iii?t stitch. or, as shown. over rhe second and third stitchcs. When you decrease ovei the second and third stitchcs, you don't necd .1 facing; the sclvedgc stitch will tum in by itself.
For the insido pocket, enst on the stitches or pick rhem up front the horizontai threads ot the purl stitches of the first row above tlie ribbing. on rhe wrong stde of the work. The pocket has to be at least as wide as the nuntberoi stitches decreased for the slant. Howcver, ń is better to make rhe inside pocket 10 to 15 stitches wider (dejiending 011 the gauge). When the pocket has reached the desired length, bind olT the addition.il stitches of the inside pocket, or knit them together with rhe ouiside stitches. Thcn conrinue working ovcr the entire front.
For the pocket facing, pick up stitches froni evcry row of the edge (odd numbe: of stitchcs!), and 111 the tirsr row. cast on a seheJge stitch on both stde.'. Sc w the side edges of the pocket facing on. using invisihle stitch.
IFor tho inside pocket, pick up the stitches from the flrst row of tho basie pattern, or cast them
2 Work to the bottom edge of the pocket, then join the stitches with those of the third to the side.