It u rathcr difłicult to work thts embroidery directly onto a kmttcd background. sincc the stitches are generally too largc and toi loosc. Smali Jesigns should thercforc lx: drawn on organza (a very thin fahric mnde ot si!k). Largcr ones can uko bc drawn on somewhar coarser waste canvas. Baste this paltem securely onto thc knittevl piece using running basting stitcii or prick stitch. In the particu-lar case ot largcr design s, prick stitch is bctter, bccausc organa and cven waste canvas can easily puli our ot sluipc whcn you are using running basting stitch.
On organza, vou should always entbroider with .1 -harp emhroider\ needle. On waste canvns, you can also woik with a tapestry needle. \X'hen using waste cunvas. thc stitches have to he pulled a littlc tighter so that the embroidery is snug against thc background cven a/ter the waste canva$ is removed.
Individual Imes are worked in outline Stitch, stich as those next to thc seahorses on page 168. These Imes are frcqucntly used to separate ditferent areas ot color. Nor only does outline stitch accentuatc thc arca, it also hkles any irrcgularities in the appearance nf thc stitches.
To work outline stitch, bring the needle out ar thc desircd location. Insert it to the nght, and bring it out again hnltway betwecn the beginning and end ot the stitch, always working ahive thc yam oł rhe previous stitch.
Work outline stitch froin left to righr. Tum the knitted piece as nccessary.
IDraw the design onto organza or waste canvas, and basie it to the knitted piece with prick stitch.
Outline stitches emphasize color areas and make them look neater.
2After the embroidery is done, puli the threads of the organza or waste canvas out individually.