Key Words: Bearings, Journal bearings, Model analysis, Linearization methods, Error analysis

Th# linaarized model of a rigid symmatrlc rotor with finrta bearings it solved using modal analysis. Im porta nt parametars of tha finrta baaring system ara evalueted and thaaa includa tha logarithmic decrement, dam pad natural frequencies, complex fraquancy rasponsa funetłons, and inclination angles of tha orbits with tha load diraction. A chart of arror maa-suras giving tha deviation of tha linaarized baaring stiffnau and damping trom those of tha actual nonlinaar systam is providad.


Theorttical Conaiderations of Molecular Mean Free Path Influenced Slip in Sełf-Acting Gaa-Lubricated Rain Journal Bearings

M. Malik

Univ. of Roorkee, India, IMechE, Proc., 198 (4). pp 25-31 (1984) 10 figs, 4 tables. lOrefs

Key Words: Bearings, Journal bearings

Tha purpose of this paper is to study tha affact of slip undar tha influenca of molecular maan frea path on tha staady State and dynamie performance characteristics of plain gas iournal bearings. The theoretical investigetions have bean mada over a wide rangę ot comprestibility numbers.


The Dynamice! Behavk>ur of ExtemaOy Presaurized Gaa-Lubricated Unloaded Porous Journal Bearings

M. Malik and C.M. Rodkiewicz Univ. of Alberta. Edmonton. Alberta. Canada. IMechE. Proc., jm (4). pp 33-41 (1984) 8 figs, 1 table, 18 refs

Kay Words: Bearings. Journal bearings

In many practical applications. such a* with vertical rotor*, iournal bearings operate with naarly zero eccentricitiet. In such shuations the axtarnally pressurizad gas-lubricated porous bearings cen offar a viabla alternative to tha eelf-acting gas and oil bearings which are ganarally prone to film induced instabilitias under lightiy loaded conditions. This paper presents a thorough invastigation ot tha dynemical behavior of unloaded externally pressurizad ges porous bearings. An attempt is mada to bring out claarly tha affact of tha mora important design variables on tha dynamie performance of the bearings.    •


Minimization of the Variance in Oil-Film Damping Coefficient Estimates

M.N. Sahinkaya. O.S. Turkay, and C.R. Burrows Univ. of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK, ASME Paper No. 83-WA/DSC-6

Kay Words: Bearings, Damping coafficiants, Frequency domain mathod

Tha frequancy-domain algorithm developed by the authors to estimata oil-film baaring coefficients uses a laast squares animator and produces the \*riances and confidanca bounds for tha estimates. Tha variances cen ba minimized by correct design of the experimentel procedurę as wali as by tha data analysis packaga.


A Study on Angular Stiffness and Damping Propertiea of ExteraaUy Presaurized Gas Thrust Bearing with Surface-Restriction Compensation

H. Yabe, T. Shiokawa. and H. Mori Kyoto Univ., Yoshida-Honmachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, Japan, Buli. JSME. _26_ (222). pp 2251-2257 (Dec 1983) 13 figs, 4 refs

Kay Words: Bearings, Stiffness coefficients, Damping coeffi-cients

An axtarnally pressurizad gat-lubricated thrust baaring with surface-restriction compensation is analyzad thaoratically for an angular displacamant tchama applying an aquivalant cleerance model, which considars an equivslent racessad thrust baaring neglacting tha local flow components in tha baaring clearance, yielding angular stiffness and damping coefficient. Tha design cr it arion of tha baaring with surface-restriction compensation is also discussad from tha reeults of theoretical calculations for angular stiffness and damping coefficient.


Dynamie Oiaracteristics and Subdity of • Helical* Grooved Floating-Ring Bearing Operated in Tiufcu-lent Regime

C.Y. Chow

Schenectady. NY 12303. ASLE. Trans., 21 (2). PP 154-163 (Apr 1984) 17 figs, 11 refs


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