qu«ncy rangę Irom 20-200 Hz. Blocked linę* with no flow and orifice ter mina ted linet with a mean f Iowy were u*ed. The experiments examined the effect* of signal input on three different linet and of uting different tlze venturis. Gain and phase were m aa su red upstream of the venturi and at the end of the linę. Experimental retults were compared with the retults of a Computer program based on Nichols' theory at modified by Krishnaiyer and Lechner.

quakes with different intensities and frequency contents are obtained and pretented by the spectrum curves of minimum required ttrength per unit weight. Seismic design recommendations for load-beering masonry buildings are then developed on the basis of the equivalent lateral force and modal analytis procedures. An approximate energy-based method of inelastic seismic analysis it also proposed and applied to masonry walIs. In this method seismic energy input to the system is calculated and reteted to the maximum displacement.


(AlaoseeNo. 1582)


Some Remarks on Profcaaor L. Cremert Theory of the Coincidence Effect

H. Schaudinischky

Technion, Israel Inst. of Tech., Bldg. Res. Station, Technion City. Haifa 32000. Israel, Appl. Acoust., V7 (2). pp 111-124 (1984) 8 figs, 2 refs

Key Words: Wallt, Sound transmission

The ciassical Coincidence Theory it based on a number of suppotitiont; in particułar, on the unlimited extemion of a wali. Under normal practical conditions this assumption mutt remain unrealized. In thit elementary peper an at-tempt is madę to detcribe the events during the passage of sound through a thin partition wali by dealingonly with the tound field before and behind the wali. A numerical example it calculated.


R/C Meraber Cyclic Response During Various Load-inga

Tze-How Hwang and C.F. Scribner Sargent and Lundy Engrs., Chicago. IL. ASCE J. Struć. Engrg.. ±t0_ (3). pp 477-489 (Mar 1984) 13 figs, 3 tables. 19 refs

Key Words: Structural members, Reinforced concrete, Cyclic loading, Seismic response, Beams, Cantilever beems

An experimental investigation to determine the effect of variatk>ns in displacement history sequence and magnitude on cyclic ratponse of reinforced flexural members is pre-sented. Tetting variables included sheer stress as well as displacement hittory. Tett retults indicated that both member behavior and member energy ditsipation capecity were func-tions of applied shear stress intensity and the magnitude of maximum diq?lacements applied to the members.


IneUstic Modełing and Seismic Analysis of Rein-forced Maaonry Shear Walla: Design Recommenda-tiona and Energy Methoda

P. Soroushian

Ph D. Thesis, Cornell Univ., 241 pp (1983) DA8328631

Key Words: Wallt. Reinforced concrete, Seitmic analytis

The effectt of ineiesticity on the teitmic responte of struć-turet are ttudied and design recommendations are developed for reinforced mesonry shear wallt. Based on a wide telection of experimental retults, a new model it developed for the hyateretic behavior of reinforced masonry shear wallt. Thit model contiders the Iow energy absorption ca pa city and high deterloration of the wallt. Inelsttic retponse of typical tingle-story wallt to a tufflciently large number of earth-



(Also see Nos. 1816. 1818)


Applications of Active Attenuators in Controlling Low-Frequency Noisc

W.K.W. Hong and Kh. Eghtesadi Chelsea College. Univ. of London, Pulton Place. London SW6. UK, J. Low Frequency Noise Vib.. 2.(1). pp 29-36(1983) 15 figs. 21 refs

Key Wordt: Active attenuation. Active noise control. Noise reductlon, Low frequencies


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