Dept. of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Cornell Univ.. Ithaca. NY, Rept. No. SBI-AD-E001 629.137 pp (July 31.1983)
AD-A136 827
Key Words: Underwater sound, Sound waves. Wave radia* tion, Wave diffraction, Circuter shells, Cylindrical shells. Shelli
Research resultsare shown in three technical report! included in this report. The titles are: Acouttic Radiations of a Sub-merged Cylindrical Shell, Acoustic Radiation from a Sub-merged Finite Circular Cylindrical Shell Driven by a Harmonie Force and Attenuation Constanttand Phase Velocities of Eighteen Polymeric Materials.
(Also seo Nos. 1762.1817.1835. 1849. 1855)
T.M. Baseheart
Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engrg., Univ. of Cincinnati. OH. Rept. No. AFOSR-TR-83-1064. 49 pp (June 20, 1983)
AD-A135 876
Key Words: Reinforced concrete, Błast re«x>nse
From a review of experimental test results for concrete słabi subjected to convent»nal blast loading. various failure machaniims and their relationship to scaled breech distance ara documented. Analytical studies demonstrate the failure of membrana action when included with the rigid flexural analyiii of itructural re«x>nse. For morę intense blast pres-aurę intensities, procedures available in the literatura are deecribed.
(AIsoseeNo. 1790)
R.C. Diprima and P. Hall
NASA langley Res. Ctr., Hampton. VA, Rept. No. NASA-CR-172251.49 pp (Oct 1983)
Key Words: Concentric structures, Cylinders, Fluid-induced excitation, Eigenvalue problems
The eigenvalue problem for the linaar stability of Couette flow between rotating concentric cylinders to exisymmetric disturbances is considered. It is shown by numerical calcula-tions and by formal perturbation methods that when the outer cylinder is at rest there exist complex eigenyalues corresponding to oscillatory damped disturbances. The structure of the first few eigenvalues in the spectrum is dis-cussed.
K. Ko mat su
Natl. Aerospace Lab., Tokyo. Japan, Rept. No. NAL/TR-757, 23 pp (1983)
PB84-137363 (In Japanese)
Key Words: Fluid-filled containers. Sloshing
A method is presented for calculating the nonlinear dynamie behavior of liquid in oontainers with arbitrary geometries. The present formulation is besed on the numerical perturbe-tion technique, which uses the orthogonality of the moda shapes and yields nonlinear coupled ordinary differential equations describing the temporal behavior. The linear modę shapes are obtained by numerical or analytical methods, and the equations describing the temporal behavior ara solved by the classical perturbation method.
G. Lee. D.A. Buell, J.P. Licursi, and J.E. Craig NASA Ames Res. Ctr.. Moffett Field. CA. Al AA J.. 22 (4). pp 504-511 (Apr 1984) 10 figs. 10 refs
Key Words: Airfoil*. Stalling, Fluid-induced excitation
Laser holographlc interferometry was used to study a two-dimensional airfoil undergoing dynamie stall. The airfoil, fabricated from graphite fiber and epoxy, was testad at Mach numbers of 0.3 • 0.6. Reynolds numbers of 0.6 x 106 to 2.0 x 106, reduced frequancies of 0.016 - 0.16, and maan angles of attack of 0 • 10 deg with amplitudes of 10 deg. Oensity and pressura fields wara obtained from dual-plate interferograms. Doubla-pulte interferograms were also taken.