M TIbwNmi; Twta Ftf*. Idiho Twtfej, F«bni«y 4,2003 • • •


House panel curbs śtate police proposals

BOISE (AP) - Two bills bćlng drivcn by thc Idaho Stale Police got pulled over and towed off che !egj*lativc truck Monday by thc House Judiciary Commictee.

One bill would havc amendcd theldoho DNA AćTof 1996 by addinit “hurglancs!llo the list oL crimos for which convicts musi provide samplcs. _.

- The materiał would then be added to thc Idaho DNA Databatc, a library of persona! Identification marker* and other biologie?) Information.

The American Civil Libcrties Union opposcd the bill, saying thc original act was intended to catch vio!ent felons. People who may only have commirted such as k>w-lcvel crime as stcalmg a pa*k of gum from a convcnicnce storę would havc to submit to DNA ccsting, said Marty Durand, ACLU !cgi*!ativc liaison.

“DNA is powerful sruff. It can rcvcal a lot morc about you chan your identity. It reveals your eth-nicity, your parcmagc, even your gcnctic predisposition to certain discascs,” Durand said.

A number of committcc mcm-bers, including retired State trooper and Republican Rep. Richard Willsof Mountain Home,

backcd the idea.

“Wc takc finger-prints for any felony, so we take the identi-fication now," Wills said in argumentu for* the bill. “This is morę accurato-ihan-any— thing wc*vc had before."

Rcpublienn Rop. Jim Clark of Hoyden said thiibill “really rcminds mc of 'Big Brothcr.' Now we'rc going to get DNA on evcrybody?"

After thc votc, howcvcr, Durand noted that some on the committcc hoped to return wiih a bill cvcn brooder in scopc that would rcquirc DNA testing on anyonc comricted of any felony.

"It's like your social security number. That was supposcd to bć uscd only to track your income tax - now they usc it for every-thing," she said. “Anytime thc governmcnt says 'trust us.’ I don't."

The other bill killed by thc committec would have madę it uniawful to sccrctly rccord a person in a rcsidcncc, business, or other building where thc person has a reasonablc oxpcctation of privacy.




New sketch of possible suspect is released

SALT LAKĘ CITY (AP) - The family of Elizabeth Smart ’ announeed a ncw reward Monday for anyonc with Information that can cxonerote Richard .Ricd,.the. top pótentiorsuspcct in their daughteFs kidnapping.

They also discussed ar.d released a sketch of another handyman that had worked around thc home. Elizabeth'$ sister says the man they knesy only os “Ernanud" may bear a resemblancc to the mon who took Elizabeth from their room last June 5.

Elizabeth's parents Ed and Lois Smart announeed a new reward of S10.000 for anyone-with Information that Ricd was not Łnvolvcd in the kidnapping. The Sraarts said the in/ormation would be eva)uat-cd by a committce of dtrec police dctectivcs and thrcc FBI agents

TłiU li a poilci compsolt# akitch of a man who callad hlmialf 'Emanualla' and had worked at Edward SmarTa homa In 2001.

who are familiar with the case. “Anyonc out there who truły

knows that Richard Ricd vrasn't involved ... I would Uke to have Richard out of my life,” Ed Sman said.

Salt Lakę City police sdll eon-sider Ricd the top potendal suspect and are seeking informadon


30 and June 8.

-Ricd,-who worked asahar.dy*

man at the Smart home, suffered a.spontaneoas ćerebrnlhcmor-rhngc łn his ptison celi in August and later died. Ricd, who was not charged in thc disappearance, was in prison for a parole violadon and maintalned his innocence in the Sman case.

In a statement about the reward, Ricci’s widów, Angela Ricd, said her family supports any effort madę to find Elizabeth, but "wc.fecl it unncccssary to esconer-atc Richard for someching of which he was ncvcr charged -much !essconvictcd of."

The Smarts also announeed

At a horse’s pace

they want the publlc’s help id locating a min who calied hlmsell. “Emanuel" and did some work at 'the home In Norembcr 2001. TM Smarts described him as whitd and around SO ycars old, witl) dark brown hair. Police do not conddar-him a Łuspect.

Lois Smart said she met thd —manlntlowmown SfllrLake'CityT When hc asked for a handout, shi* offered him work ot their home. j Ed Smart said the man did about five hours of work in thebi back yard and on their roof.

The couple said thc man had lit] tle contact with their children though they did sec him daughter, Mary Katharine shared a bed with Elizabeth tne nighł she was abducted, came td them recently and said “Emanuel" borc some resemj blnnce to Elizabeth's kidnapper! She did not tell them she rccogj nized him absolutely, the Smarts said.

* 0 4

Students i

Kempthorne raises morę money to pay off campaign

BOISE (AP) - Republican Gov. Dirk Kempthorne raiscd another $22.000 during the last *ix wccks of thc ycar, mostly from corpora-tions and spccial interests, tó pay off his succcssful 2002 re^lection campaign.

With just $2,500 in unpaid hills at ycar’s end,.Kempthorne spent just under $1.1 million to dcfcat Dcmocrat Jcrry Brody, thc Idaho Falls newspaper pub-lisher who also spent just ovcr $1 million. But a third of Brody’*

money was his own.

In thc most compctitivc of thc fali races. Dcmocrat Marilyn Howard spent just SI32,000 to win a sccond term as State Schools Supcrintcndcnt ovcr Republican Tom Luna.

Luna, a former school board member who spent much of thc campaign criticizing thc quality of education Kempthorne was touting to his suppnrtcrt, spent S192.000 to get 4$ percent of thc \*oce.

Bush would spend morę to stop wildfires, less on fish




Rod Dikotih dr1v«« h i cov«r*d wagon ■ few nilu north of Carbondale, Kan., Monday. Ron and Mi wlfa, Tareia. are trav-eltng by wagon from Arco to Meikogee. Oki#., aa a way of taking their tlne and aeefng the aitea.


DEWINGTON. Albcrca (AP)r Clutching flowcrs and ti*sucs. stunned studenu and parents fUcd łnto at an elitę private school Monday to mourn seven ciast-mates killed in o massivc British Columbia avalanchc.

Parent Derek Tripp calied che tragedy an “act of God" as hc dropped off his lOycardd daugh-ter at Strothcona-Twccdsmuir schooL

MI don't think tbcrc’s anything you can do to prevcnc what hap-pened/* Tripp said. “I fccl absolutely terrible for thc student* and thc parents involved. lc't absolutely hcanbrcaking.”

The bodics of thc scvcn Grade 10 students were to bc taken to Calgary on Monday from thc avalonche aren ncar Roger* Pass, British Columbia, in Canada's Glacicr National Park.


Presidcnt Bush is calling for inereased m prewntion, cut spending for salmon restora-tion in the Northwest^ Columbia Rivcr Basin.

The presidcnt’* proposcd bud-get for the next fiscal ycar. announeed Monday, also indudes languagc that some members of Congrcss interpreted as a cali to privatizc thc Bonneville Power Administration. thc fcderal ugcncy that markets power to the Northwst.

Busli's S2.2 tritlion proposai for the fiscal ycar that starts Oct. 1 includes about S2.2 billion for wildfirc prewntion and firefighi-ing - an incrcase of nearly S220 million over last year's budget rcqucst. The 2002 wildfirc scason was one of the worst, with morę tlian 7 million ucrcs burncd -twicc the 10-yuar avcrage.

"For the safety >f our communi-liest and the restoration of our forests and wildlife, we have to reducc- hazardous fuels in our iorcsts," said Interior Sccrctary (lale Norton. Bush's budget would aliow thinning and planncd bums in about 1-1 million aeres of n.itiooal foresis, about onethird in aieai near populatcd arcas._ _

The budget also would autho-rye S91 million - an inerease of >21 million - for a forest legacy program that hclps tandowners presene prieate forest*.

Unlike last ycar, the administra-non did not announcc a doliar figurę to show how much money it is reque«ing for cach of thc 10 fed-eial agencie* charged with salmon recovcry. But cnnservationi$ts said tlicy fear that last year's S506 million reauest could be cut by as much as 550 million.

“If this budget is as bod as wc fear, it will puli the rug out from

VII*    *U|

md spending for wildfirc lion, but apparcntly would

undcr-salmoiudopcndem-commu^ nitics," said John Kober of the National Wildlife Fcdcration. “We can sare wild salmon and help the Nonhwe$t’s economy at the same time, but wc need teadership from the White House and Congress."

A Whilc House offidal, speak-ing on condition that he not be identified, denied that the administration was reduong its cornmit-ment to salmon restoration. The budget includes a $3 million incrcase in salmon programs for the National Marinę Fishcrics Sernice, the offkial snid.

The Army Corps of Enginecrs, which last ycar celcbratcd a pro-posed S20 million incrcase - to SI28 million - for salmon restoration. would rcccivc nearly that amount this ycar.

Environmentalists also com-plained tłiat Bush did not indudc any money to help huy and pro-tect forest land in thc central Cascade mounialns. The Cascades Consereatlon Partnership has come up with about SS0 million sińce it was formed three years ago - about S36 million in federai funding and the rest from pricatc d<ini>n. The money has helpcd set asidc morę than 20,000 aacs of forest land throughout thc Pacific Northwest - including nearly. 4,000 aeres purchascd last ycar ncar Snoąualmie Pass in Washington statc.

Croup members had been counting on at least S10 million in Bush's budget and were stunned to sec they were shut out.

"This is a real slap in the face to the citizcns of Washington State," said Mitch Friedman, executive director of Northwest Ecosystem Alliance. a partnership member. “Over 16.000 citizcns have donated over S14 million to this historie effort over the last rwo ycars."

Utah panel OKs changes to death penalty law

SALT LAKĘ CITY (AP) -Lawmakers took thc first step Monday toward bringing Utah*s dcoth penalty law in linę with a recent U.S. Supremę Court rui-ing.

The Scnatc Judiciary Committcc unanimously opproved thc bill which defines

when a defendant is mcntally retarded.

In June, thc U.S. Supremo Court dcclarcd in the case of Atkins v. Virginia (hat cxecut-ing mentally retarded murder-crs is unconstitutionally cruel. Howeeer, thc court łeft it to thc States to define mentol


Sponsorcd by Ogdcn Republican Sen. David Gladwell, thc bill prorides that definition, sets parameters regarding when it can bc raised as a defensc and determines who makes the find-ing during the prosccution of a case.

Michcicl Shaw, Scott Broshko. Marissa Stnddon. Alcx Patilło and Ben Albcn were killed in the slidc. Another seren students and three aduJt supervisors were caught in thc ova!anche but cscapcd with minor injuries.

Gricf counselors were at the school to help students. Rcgular moming elasses wcrc cancelcd sn students could visit a makeshift memoriał in thc schooTs theater, wherc sevcn desks representing cach victim wcrc ftankcd with flowcrs and sympathy cards.

Man suspected of providing gun that killed officer faces charges

SALT LAKĘ CITY (AP) -Prosccutors havc filed fcderal drug charges against a man suspected of proriding the gun uscd in thc killing of a West Jordan police officer.

Michael V. Sathaphan. 18. is facing one count of possession of methamphctaminc with intern to distributc. At an initial court appearance Monday, Judge Samuel Alba ordered him to rcmain in jail at least umil a detention hearing on Wednesday.

The drugs were seized in a raid Jan. 29. Police daim they found

thc drugs along with drug para-phemalia, casli and guns.

Authorities say when they interrogated Sathaphan, he acknowlcdged sclling a 9mm handgun to Tylcr Atwood lale last yttr. Atwood is suspected of iving that gun to Justin Van oekd - who uscd it to shoor and kil! West Jordan police officer Ronald Wood on Nov. 18.

Van Rockcl killed himsclf as police dosed in on him. .

Atwood is facing robbery chargov He and Van Rockcl were allcgcdiy partiters in crime for a number of hcists* police said.

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