SZMIDT M., NIEMIEC T„ SAWOSZ--CHWALIBÓG E.. MITURA K. The influence of nanodiamond particles on rat health status 195
WASILEWSKA-NASCIMENTO B. Occurrcnce of cntomopathogcnic Jungi in soil of Santiago and Fogo islands (Re-public of Cape Verde) 203
WNUK A, MROCZEK-SOSNOW-SKA N.. ADAMEK D.. KAMASZEW-SKI M„ ŁUKASIEWICZ M.. NIEMIEC J. Effcct of rearing system and gender on histological profile of chicken breast and leg muscles in hybrid (Cobb*Zk) 211 WNUK A., MROCZEK-SOSNOW-SKA N„ ŁUKASIEWICZ M.. BATORSKA M.. NIEMIEC J. Influence of thc system of rearing on cholesterol level and its fraction in blood serum of slow-growing chickens 219
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ZDANOWSKA-SĄSIADEK Ż„ MICHALCZUK M„ RIEDEL J.. ŁUKASIEWICZ M„ DAM AZI AK K. Genotypc - factor influencing perfonnance of chicken production 237
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NIŻNIKOWSKI R.. CZUB G.. GŁOWACZ K.. ŚWIĄTEK M.. ŚLĘZAK M. Polymorphism of insulin like growth factor IGF-1 in position 211 in national sheep breeds with carped wool compared to Polish Mcrino and Euro-pean Muflon (Ovis aries musimon) 157 PEZOWICZ E., TUMIALIS D.. MAZURKIEWICZ A. Sensitivity of imago and larvae of the lesser mealworm Al phi -lobius diaperinus (Panzcr 1797) in a saw--dust litter to selected species and strains of Steinemematidae and Heterorhabditi-dae under laboratory conditions 161
PRZYSUCHA T., SLÓSARZ J.. GOŁĘBIEWSKI M., KUNOWSKA-SLÓ-SARZ M. Comparison of calving course of Limousinc purebrcds and thcir cross-breeds with Polish Holstein-Fricsian cows 167
REKIEL A.. WIĘCEK J.. PARUCH M„ PTAK J., BLICHARSKI T. Numbcr of piglets bom and reared by sows with dif-ferent number of mammary teats 173
RIEDEL J.. MICHALCZUK M„ ZDA-NOWSKA-SĄSIADEK Ż. Assesmcntof slaughter value of three broiler chicken genotypes 179
SOKOŁOWSKI G.. STRZAŁKOWSKA A.. ŚWIDEREK W.. FISZDON K., GAJEWSKA M. Semen quality param-eters in outbred małe mice from four dif-ferent selected lines 187