Tapas Chatterjee, Bhikari Charctn Guru
to 3 rosette pores wide; anterior margin of PD rounded; ds3-ds5 on PD lateral to porose costae; gland porę lateral to costae between ds4 and ds5; ds6 near the anterior margin of anal piąte dorsally.
Ali ventral plates separate. AE with 3 pairs of setae and a pair of epimeral pores. Epimeral processes I-II well developed, coxal origin. Marginal areolae

Fig. 2. Copidognathus australensis (Lohmann) A. Leg I (basifemur to tarsus), B. Leg II, C-D. Legs III—IV (basifemur to tarsus) (Scalę bar: 50 pm)
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10 Tapas Chatterjee, Bhikari Charan Guru Remarks Lohmann (1909) discovered Copidognathus australensi12 Tapas Chatterjee, Bhikari Charan Guru Remarks This is first record of this species from India as14 Tapas Chatterjee, Bhikari Charan Guru Chatterjee T. 1999. First record of Copidognathus faubeli B18 Tapas Chatterjee, Bhikari Charan Guru, Martin Vmther Sorensen dically are influenced by freshwate20 Tapas Chatterjee, Bhikari Charan Guru, Martin l inther Sorensen setae fan shaped anteriorly (Fig.SPIS TREŚCI Tapas Chatterje, Bhikari Charan Guru - New records of halacarid mites (Acari: Halacarida6 Tapas Chatterjee, Bhikari Charan Guru 1996, 1997, 1999; Chatterjee & De Troch 2003). In the prNew records ofhalacaridmites (Acari: Halacaridae)... 9 containing rosette pores posterior to insertiZESZYTY NAUKOWE UNIWERSYTETU SZCZECIŃSKIEGO NR 791 ACTA BIOLOGICA 20 2013 TAPAS CHATTERJEE1ZESZYTY NAUKOWE UNIWERSYTETU SZCZECIŃSKIEGO NR 791 ACTA BIOLOGICA 20 2013 TAPAS CHATTERJEE1New records ofhalacarid mites (Acari: Halacaridae)... 7 neae; areola with rosette pores between cornimage001 d«oling with p*oplo. łr* «»mport*nt to undtnuod cułturc m logk.The Ashes of His Fatherimage002 To coincide with the 200th anniversary of the birth of Edgar Allan Poe, this anthology cele00044 d562ea1ca0756aca314d95625d46970 43A Rule-Based Approach to Multiple Statistical Test Analysis00058 *78c8eee8ef03439be90f7a748f77a0 57Adaptive Hierarchical Bayesian Kalman FilteringRelation to00175 Sf44c966c95fb915bf72191bd27e4aa 176 McWilliams To understand the wide rangę of cost penaltiesza to wdzięczny, gdyż tak naprawdę nic się w nim nie zmienia i podlega on jedynie swym własnym prawowięcej podobnych podstron