New records ofhalacaridmites (Acari: Halacaridae)... 9
containing rosette pores posterior to insertion of leg I; remainder of piąte with delicate canaliculi arranged in polygons. Each PE with 3 ventral setae and 1 dor-sal seta. Distance between anterior end of GO and that of GA slightly less than length of GO in female and aboutl.4 times of GO length in małe. Spermatopo-sitor large, reaching close to anterior margin of GA. Paragenital areolae well developed. About 20 PGS present in małe; each genital sclerite with 4 SGS in małe, arranged 2-2.
Palp consisting of 4 segments. Rostrum longer than gnathosomal base; rostrum tip extending to basal part of P4. P, and P3 without any seta. P2 with 1 dor-sal seta distally. P4 with 3 long proximal setae, 1-minute distal seta. P4 little longer than Pr Proto- and deuto-rostral setae situated at tip of rostrum, tritorostral setae (long maxillary setae of rostrum) at about middle of rostrum, gnathosomal base with a pair of setae. Gnathosomal base ventrolate rally with rosette pores, dorsally foveate. Rostral sulcus long, extending near tritorostral setae. Tectum triangular.
Chaetotaxy of legs: trochanters I-IV, 1-1-1-0; basifemora I-IV, 2-2-2-2; telofemora I-IV, 5-5-2-3; genua I-IV, 4-4-3-3; tibiae I-IV, 7-7-5-5; tarsi (PAS excluded) I-IV, 7-4-4-4. Trochanters III and IV each with a dorsomedial spini-form process. Telofemur III with two dorsal setae, devoid of any ventral setae. Telofemur IV with 2 dorsal, 1 ventral seta. Telofemora, genua and tibiae with distoventral and distal pararthrodial lamellae. Tibiae I-IV with 2-2-1-0 bipec-tinate setae. Tibiae I and II each with 1 denticulate process (lamella) proximo-ventrally. Tarsus I with 3 dorsal setae, 1 solenidion, 3 ventral setae, 2 doublets eupathid PAS. Tarsus II with 3 dorsal setae, 1 solenidion, 2 single eupathid PAS. Tarsi III and IV each with 4 dorsal setae (distance between 2 basal setae slightly lesser than height of tarsus) and 2 PAS (1 spur-like and 1 eupathid). Ali legs with 2 lateral claws and a bidentate median claw. Lateral claws with accessory process dorsally and pecten yentrally.
Southwestern Australia (Lohmann 1909; Bartsch 1999); Andaman Islands (present report).