Integration of ergonomics


Ergonomie Ouality in Design EQUID (IEA initiative)


•    Integrating Ergonomics into product development processes

•    Endorsed document by IEA

•    To be used for certification of companies

Product development process and EQUID

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Ergonomie Ouality in Design EOUID (IEA initiatiye)

Who will benefit:

•    Ergonomists

-    Promoting the involvement of ergonomists in design practice

•    Product manufacturers and service providers

-    Higher value and profits because of good ergonomie design practice

•    End-users

-    Reducing end-users difficulties in usage of products

-    Add values to products and services through useful and beneficial ergonomie attributes

Contact:: Prof. Dr. Ralph Bruder: bruder@iad.tu-darmstadt.de

Statement 5

Product ergonomics can be a tool for product innovation in order to create a competitive advantage for companies


•    Why society needs ergonomics?

•    What is modern ergonomics?

•    How to create business value with ergonomics?

-Examples product ergonomics -Examples production ergonomics

•    Conclusions


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