ł,oviet umuii lasicu iur me wnote of the moc ti
the province was very difficult beca..^ n J lle recePh'on of Polish * •
pensive powerful lamp rcceivers ld,atanc<-' and the was onlv m . ostat,°ns within
of public collections. The deSn ,0t.hf Werc also f“"*d for for es, TSSible decided upon m 1935. The buildine hn d 3 transmmer for Polish Radio ^chools ou* World War broke out. b“'ldm8' h°"™r. had „o, been comSd whSfhelLond"
The article attempts a synthesis of the history of the local press as a socio-political back-
ground for Polish territorial self-govemment. The thesis within the article is: that the local
media in the 3rd Rcpublic has become an integral part of the system of govemment in the
provinces. It is at the same time a barometer for local conditions for the development of de-
mocracy and the free market. The work is an ovcrview incorporating the existing body of re-
search as well as basing itself on sources unpublished to datę (including those from the ar-
chives ofthe Foundation for the Development of Local Democracy in Warsaw). There domi-
nates in the research methodology description and a comparative approach including that via
the comparative contrast of data from three local govemment terms of office. The results of
the research constitute a reliable substantiation for the thesis of the article while simulta-
neously pointing to the permanent character of the process of transfonnation within this type of the media.