R.A.F. atycigw, ikk-s.
.r,-rr 1 ■ ■ ,n- ■ ■ ■ ■—
fi •
22/11/43 -4. 307 (Polish)
C. 1 Mosqutto II .ł. I* Ł3c.V
E. 1© 1050
P, 8/10 brokon omuulun in 1 uyors, Shower3 of ruin. Othorwis© go od Visibilty
G. Cat.A
H. Mil,
K. Nil.
;nernl Hep ort.
1 HOBguito II of 307 (Polish) Squadron took off froni SUHBURGH at 1145 hrs.
Pilot oiimbco to Jt ,000 ft. ovor basa and was vuctorod O500 for 7 ninutos, then 020° for fourtccn minutos the-n 055° for 7 minutos. Ono minuto boforo tuming, voctor 030^ was ordered md at 1232hrs. ono o/a was siahtod flying 1,000 ft. abovo and slightly ahor.d cfossinw frou port to starboard. The pilot thoroupon turnod ••liarpiy, o l.irgo bl- •;!. German orosi -a on L-wer nurfacc of vinwró, manoe\a*od into 4. osition do ad netem oł o/r. nd jpenod fire at 200 yards r-arijo ciociny to 50 yards Tonu givinj 3 3hort burs te ol' approxiaatoły 13 rounda fruń onch :>f his L/or cnnnons. ITraoors werc >ring upper ourfaoo of fusolnge t point 1 v<-. thb trniling
odje of ^ inf and tho starł) ::-ard on^inc bc^m to :wiqkc.'The c/a climbod into cl cud ! and was jr.in soon at 7,000 ft. La n jap to pftLot npproechcd to within
150 yarde befor». oocning firo again v/:tth t-vo ;rt lairsts; return fire frou forwnrd uppor toin ^un position nłijhtły in front f loadinj -;djo of v:lrj vms cxpericnoed but eensod aa ■ rosult of Kosnuitetefiro. Tho 0/n thon tumoci to port in order to jiiu covor of nt ircst cloud and rt thio point U eh- oc snsuod. Two minuto3 Inter our '-.ircre.fl; o.'oir,jcl fror.i cl ud 0 yrvrd:s -atom f o/a -;nu ae it v/r.s gnininr on e/a our pil.rt cliabcu to starboard nd attackod fror.i f\bcvo cl >sin^ to • bout 80 yards and firinj two sh* rt bur sta. -in tho c/a disappoarod int o cl .md and *»I contaot wr.a
maintainod at minimum rango (200 to łioo ft.). 3evcrr.l visuals werc obtninod a.nd 4 burs ta woro firod. Part c.-npino bo j m to er;'ku -ri 3tarboard on^inc vrae still smoking* ongngomont was urok en off ..*/in to oxh-ustion of a raunition.
The ./•-. y.tiich \m& pjc wnisod as n ji77 '-as last scon divinj down into cloud ns ii ut <f c ntrol nd -.. as claimod ae protwibly destroyed but confirrantion was aub^o ;uoi .tlw r coivad iVu;a '-'ightor Conaamd th-at this o/a wr.s PEGTr.OYilb.
Ty; ..i::. '.'!vas.iv<. otion takon by o/a. conoidorod poor by om* pilot na tho o/r.
Cor-i; soujht cloud c:vcr but did u t r-ttoi.pt - ny Sharp cvasivc action v/hon in loud t i sh ko off his pursuor or o^uso him to OTorshoot.
prj.iju.rin,. o. UndcXurfrcc, son gr-.y, uppor surface, dnrk greonish brown.
Oi; o .uii usod : ajt-oj.if-.tio.
■>. ..uniti 11 : 6.'A r unds 20 oann.n
Pilot : P/3gt J a/ reki - Polish 3Tnvijator i i)‘/Lt. Ziółkowski - Polish