X iwr1, . **QMLL .........
(A) Night of 7/eth June 1*44. 307 (i^lieh) SŁjuadron.
(0) ios^uito XXI. a#:* Ua$ VIII (0) 0126/28
(jS) 10 raiłoś Jouth of LAJ.MiGłtf V&*
(?) ifearly fuli .toon, olear sky and good viaibilit/.
(G) NU (Hj nu
(J) Tle Ju 00 aaaaged.
(K) NU Cenar>g ^e,»ort.
I took Ott froa 'Joltiohall at Z&Q houru on intruder to i, . A.<D£2I,
Candfall was nade betwoen AAfiLANC and ó dOSNIKDOG and 1 divod froa 2000 ft.
Ad oroosed over mainland dth >ut enoountoring My flaś.
Z then patrolled the targot area frora 0043 hra without rouult untll 0126 hra when ny N/ . *0* KAHAlx>, reported a oontaot at 8/9000 ft ranga helght O00 ft on a oourse of 220°we were flying en a <eaterly oourao .outh of L . JMflf //D at 1000 ft and I turnod and olosed on tho }Jk whloh wa*. flying stralght and leve},
AiCiłli ?30«
I got a vlsuai of a tein ongined aircrsft at 2D90 ft rango and on oloaing to 1000 ft I dafinitely idantlfied it aa a JU.8c.
I then opraed fire with a ahort burat oloslng from 200 to 1J0 yarda frooi autorn and alle.drtiy to port but no muults wora aa on. I again fired a ahort burut froa 1)0 yde oloaLnK to 75 fds. and iraaediately suw many strikaa on tha fuualege and Junotlon of port main piane. Before Z oould do er aoo anything morę I was oonęletely daaaled by searohlighto wlioh hi Id uy alroruft while I div«d away to port and I was unablo to shake off tho ooarchlighta until I was at ft when tho oe&rohlighta whloh wara fully cieprsased wers v«ry hilpfUl ln illusinating the treea ovor whloh I flwar. At the same tlao as * was ho Id by aearohlighta Tery heavy traoer wa a fired at ua and we notioed whlte orange red and greon bumta o -aIng past the Nesąuito whloh howover w&u not hit.
ó/hs and Flah positiona from whióh thlo tr-.cer wao fired wore at HA and
1 'win, to the 6/L'b and aoourate fire waz wero unablo to look baok to see it he ló/k has cr ahed and was buraing on the grounu but owing to the Tery ahort raiv:« t ag laat burot 1 foel suro that the u/A was deutroyod and I would lite the Assessinent Oosmittee to oonsider whother the alaiat ought not to bo graded to •probauly dostroyed1 Instead of merely 'daneged' (as sllowed by the 100tor Intolllgenoe Off ioocr)
Aftor turnlng north past LdU YAłHfcSN I set oourae for homo anu landod aafely
at Obarcz Ponton at 0312 hra.
>trji!uncnt report.
8 UV I A 8 i.tk/1 froa each tfannon - To tal 64 rounda.
1 inohes of Caaara film wore ezpesed.
(iinied) V. 01 os.^oeu<
( -ied, .
.ulatribut on 1 00.y - ii.-*. . . .
1 oopy • H. • 1*-. Group* 1 oopy - 3C7 ąuadron.
1 oopy - óeo. Int• Offr. 1 oopy - lollsh lhepeotorate General
1 oopy — . .L.O. i . • A.j}«G.B. 1 oopy - •••.*• 12 Group.