Aftcr rajin-lng a dance durlng (łtclr cvcnlng ai Willowbrook. Pcg Dannowlu and Trd Williams pauscd for rdrrshmriii
I lu* prom may well fu* one of the most talked a bont events in the entłre srhool vear. luist vcar for the firsi Unie IILK lield
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it.s prom away froin the school. An electlon was field early in ihc year to determine whether the majority of students włshcd llie prom to be field in the school gym, as ii was in previons years, or outside of the school. An overwhelming inajorily vote resulted in the sponsors scarching for an appropriate place for the dance to be held. The 'Moonlight Khapsody* was field ai Willowbrook on the 26th of May. Couplcs planncd for the eveni weeks in advance, and the dccorating commiltce was kepi busy with tulili* dccorations. When the night arrived, willi Its balmy weather an extra boon. girls rcceieed a velvety-bfue bid as a keepsake. and were given a silver charni wieli a goldeti słone to commemoratc the 19(>7 Junłor-Senior Prom. Couples daneed to the romantlc stralns ol soft musie from cight to one a.m.
hji^.i^nl in frirndly ciNivrnatlon brtwrrn danccs wetc Kila Muchclł. Bill Flshcr, 1'om (•untlicr, Caihy Elhcnon, liiula Nic hol son. and |im Ncwrjułsi