★    Tests all tubes. includlng 4. 5. 6. 7. Octal. Lock-ln. Hearlng Aid, Thyratron. Mlnlatures,

»    Sub-mlnlatures. Novals. Sub-mlnars. Proxlmlty fuse types. etc.

★    Usos the new self-cleanlng Lever Actlon Swltches for indlvldual element testlng. Because all elements are numbered accordlng to pln-number In the RMA base numberlng system, the user can Instantly identlfy whlch element ls under test. Tubes havlng tapped fllaments and tubes wlth fllaments termlnatlng in morę than one pin are truły tested wlth the Model TW-łl as any of the plns may be placed ln the neutral posltlon when necessary,

★    The Model TW-11 does not use any comblnatlon type sockets. Instead indlvldual sockets are used for each type of tubę. Thus It ls Imposslble to damage a tubę by Insertlng lt ln the wrong socket.

★    Free-moving bullt-ln roli chart provldes complete data for all tubes. All tubę llstlngs prlnted ln large easy-to-rcad type.

★ NOISE TEST: Phono-Jack on front panel for plugging ln elther phones or external nmplifler will detect mlcrophonlc tubes or nolse due to faulty elements and loose ln-ternal connectlons.

EXTRAORDINARY FEATURE—separate scalę por low-current

Model TW-11-TUBĘ TESTER    Total

Price $47.50—Termi: $11.50 ofter 10 day triol, then $6.00 per month for 6 months if sotisfoctory. Otherwise return no «x-planation necestaryl

testera, lt has

Prevlously. on emlsslon-type tubę been standard practlce to use one scalę for all tubes. As a result. the callbratlon for low-current types has been restrlcted to a smali portlon of the scalę. The extra scalę used here greatly slmpllfles testlng of low-current types.    i



Th* Model TW-II operotes on 105-130 Volt 60 Cyclet 4.C. Comei houted In a 1 beautlful hand-rubbed oak coblnet complete wlth porłable cover.


Krom 50 degrce to 110 degree types—from    Test ALL plclure tubes— ln the certon—out of

8" to 30" types.    1 the eerton—In the set!


e Model 83 ls not simply a rehashed black and whlte C.R.T. Tester wlth a color adapter added. Model 83 employs a new lmproved clrcult deslgned specWcally to test the older type black and whlte tubes. the newer type black and whlte tubes and all color pteture tubes.

e Model 83 provldes separate diament opera ling voitages for the older 6 3 types and the newer 8.4 types. o Model 83 employs a 4" alr-damped meter wlth qual!ty and calłbrated scales.

•    Model 83 will detect tubes whlch are apparently good but reoulre rejuvenatlon. Such tubes will provlde a pic-ture seemingly good bul lacklng In proper dednttlon. contrasl and focus. To test for such malfunctlon. you simply press the rej. swłtch of Model 83. If the tubę ls weakenlng, the meter readlng will tndicate the condltlon.

•    Rejuvenatlon of plclure tubes ls not simply a matter of applylng a high voltage to the diament. Such voltages improperly aPPlłed can strip the cathode of the oxide coatlng essentlal for proper emlsslon. Tlie Model 83 npplles a selertive Iow yoltage unlformly to a&sure lnem sed llfe wlth no danger of

Model 83—C.R.T. Tubo Tester Totol Price    S38.50

Terms: S8.50 ofter 10 day triol. then 56.00 monthly tor 5 mortths it sotisfoctory. Otherwise return, no explonotion necessary.

• Model 83 properly tests the red. ireer. and blue sectłons of color tubes Indl-vldually—for each sectlon of a color tubę contalns its own diament, piąte, grld and cathode.

Model 83 comei houted In handtome L portable Saddle Stitched Toxon coseV —compiete with sockets tor oII błocky and whlte tubes and all color tubes. I Only ........................... I

cathode damage.    ,

7 Signal Ceneratars in One!

</ R.F. Signal Generator for A.M.    V Audio Frequency Generator    d Cross Hatch Generator

V R.F. Signal Generator for F.M.    Bar Generator    V Color Oot Pattem Generator

V Marker Generator

A yersotile otl-indusive GENERATOR which provides ALL the outpufs for servicinq:

A.M. Radio • F.M. Radio • Amplifiers • Black and White TV • Color TV

Model TV-50A—Genometer

Totol Price    $47.50

Terms: 511.50 ofter 10 day triol, then S6.00 monthly for 6 months if sotisfoctory. Other wise return, no explonation necessary.

R. F. SIGNAL GENERATOR: The Model TV-S0A Genometer protides complete coverage for A.M. and F.M. alłgnment. Gen-erates Radio Frequencies from 100 Kllocycles to 60 Megacycles on fundamentals and from 60 Megacvclcs to 180 Megacycles on powerful harmonics.

'ARIABLE AIDIO F K E -1UENCY GENERATOR: In dditlon to a nxed 400 cycle lne-wave audio, the Model iiZ-SOA Genometer provldes , yariable 300 cycle to 20.000 yele peaked wave audio lgnal.

KAH GENERATOR: The Model TV-50A projects an actual Bor Pattern on any TV Recelver Screen. Pattern will conslst of 4 to 16 horizontal bars or 7 to 20 yertical bars.

CROSS HATCH GENERATOR: The Model TV-50A Genometer will pro-Ject a cross-hatch pattern on any TV picture tubę. The pattern will cons>8t of non-shlftlng, horizontal and vertical llnes Interlaced to pro-vide a stable cross-hatch effect.

HOT PATTERN GENERATOR (FOR COLOR TV>: Although you will be able to use most of your regular standard equlpment for serv-Iclng Color TV. the one additlon whlch ls a "muat" ls a Dot Pattern Generator. The Dot Pattern projected on any color TV Recelver tubę by the Model TV-50A will enable you to adjust for proper color eontergence.

ARKER GENERATOR: The Model V-50A includes all the most fre-jently needed marker polnts. The illowing markers are provlded: 189 C.. 262.5 KC.. 456 Kc.. 600 Kc.. 1000 C.. 1400 KC.. 1600 KC.. 2000 KC.. 2500 C.. 3579 KC.. 4.5 MC.. 5 Mc.. 10.7 Mc., 1579 Kc. is the color burst freouency)

THE MODEL TV-50A comis abtolutely complete wlth thleldedleadt ond operating Instruc-tioni.






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