^ Model 77 completely wired and calibrated with o/ł accosories (including even porfable carrying cate) *ell» for only $42.50.
J Model 77 employt o ssnsitiy* six inch meter. Extra large meter scal* enables us to print all calibrations in large eo»y-to-rsad type.
tj Model 77 uses new improved SICO printed circuitry.
^ Model 77 employs a 12AU7 as D.C. omplifier and twa 9006's os peak-to-peak voltage rectifiers to ossure maximum stability.
^ Model 77 uses a selenium-rectified power supply resulting in less heot and thus reducing possibility of domoge or value changes of delicate components.
^ Model 77 meter is virtuolly burn-out proof. The sensitive 400 microampere meter is isolated from the measuring Circuit by o balonced push-pull amplifier.
^ Model 77 uses selected 1% zero temperaturo coefficient resistors os multipliers. This assures unchanging occurate readings on all ranges.
VAS A DC YOLT.METER: The Model 77 will measure any voltage up to 1500 volts with negligible loadlng. It 18 Indispensable ln recelver and Hl-Pl Ampllfler servlclng and a must for Black and Whlte and Color TV Recelver servlclng where Circuit loadlng cannot be tolerated. A speclal feature per-mlts accurate zero center measurements necessary for the true allgnment of Foster-Seely (Armstrong) FM detectors. Ratio Detectors and the newer Gated Beam Detectors.
Model 77—Yacuum Tubę Yolłmełer
Ttrms: $12.50 ofttr 10 doy triol, th«n $6.00 monthly for 5 months if sotisfactory. Ofherwiie return, no explonafion necessory.
_ ... ,« -l. V T V M Kos bttn the one instru
b*tt*r r*« dobiłby*
TK. Model 77 will m.osur* DC wilh n.gligibl* looding Ic 2 ANY FORM WAVE; whether *•»• wov. po te
occtnoritt or cobl*s.
J AS AN AC VOLTMETER: The old-fashloned laboratory AC V.T.V.M. v was cumbersome. erratlc and requlred several dlal manipulatlons to arrlve at a readlng. The Model 77 when connected to a Circuit will qulckly and slmply measure lts RM5 value If sine wave. and Its peak-to-peak value If complex wave. Pedestal eoltages that determlne the ••black,, level in TV recelvers. sync. pulses and saw tooth voltages are easlly read with the Model 77.
J AS AN ELECTRONIC OHM.METER: Because of lts wlde rangę of meas-w urement ln the reslstance rangę (from .2 ohms to 1.000 megohzns) the Model 77 will be your most rrequently used reslstance meter. Loaky capacltors whlch may not show up on other resistance meters. show up glaringly when tested with the new model 77. Because of lts aensl-tivlty and Iow loadlng. intermlttents are morę easlly found, isolated and repalred.
• DC YOLTS—0 to 3/15/75/150/300/750/1500 volts at 11 megohms input rtsistonc*.
• AC VOLTS (RMS)—0 to 3/15/75/150/300/750/1500 volts.
• AC VOLT* (Pook to Peakl—0 to S/40/200/400/S00/2000 volts.
• ELECTRONIC OHMmETER—0 to 1000 ohms/10.000 ohms/100.000 ohms/1 m«gohm/ 10 m»gohmt/100 mcgohms/1,000 m.gohms.
• DECIBELS -10 db to +1S db. +10 db to +3S db. +30 db to +51 db. All bosed on 0 db — .006 wotts (6mw) into o 500 ohm lin* C1.73v).
• ZERO CENTER METER—For diłerimlnofor olignment with fuli seol* rango of 0 to 1.5/7.5/37.5/75/150/375/750 volts at P m*gohms input r*sJstonco.
Modtl 77 comos co mplete with o pirat Ing in• struct/ons, prohe and tost ftadt. Us* It on the bench—ute It on calfs. A itreamllned carrying cos*, Included at no ozfro charge, accommo-dotos the fosfor, Imtructlon book. probo and leadt. Oporofos on 110-120 voff 60 cycle. Only
Try ony of fho instrument* on this or tho facing pago lor 10 days boforo you buy. If complotoly sotitfiod then sond down poymont ond poy bolonco os indi-coted on coupon. No intor-
OSt _or_ Financ*_Charges
Addodi |f not complotoly sotisnod return unit to us, no ozplonotion nocossory.
Dopt. D-672, 3849 Tonth Avo.. Now York 34. N. T.
Pleose send me the unlts checked on spprovol. II completely satlsfled I will p*y on the term* speclfled with no Interest or flnance chnrges added. Otherwlse. I will return nfter o 10 doy trlal posltiveiy concelllns all further obllgatlons.
□ Model 77.........Total Price *42.50
*12.50 wlthln 10 days. Balance *6.00 monthly lor 5 months.
□ Model TV-50A... Total Price *47.50 *11.50 wlthln 10 days. Balance *6.00 monthly lor S months.
O Model TW-li... .Total Price *47.50 *11.50 wlthln 10 days. Balance *6.00 monthly lor 6 months.
□ Model 83.........Total Price *38.50
*8.50 wlthln 10 days. Balance *6.00 monthly (or 5 months.
City.......................Zon*.. .Sfete
All prlces net. P.O.B.. N.Y.C.
October. 1959