BuildThis Superb^S Organ From Simple Kits and
SAYE 0VER 50%!
Give Your Family A Lifetime of Musical Joy With A Magnificent Schober ELECTRONIC Organ!
mitlt tptoficotioos of
American Guild of Organists
MATTERS in the tape world are rela-tively quict after the big noisc at the NAMM show. I suspect that all the various forces, opposing and othcr-wise, are gathering their strength, girding their loins, and preparing for the big attack next month. I have not been fortunate enough to acquire one of the new cartridge machines as yet . . . let alone any eartridges . . . so my report on these must wait until I can finagle the necessary stuff. In the meanwhile. you will no doubt recall that my initial report on the 4-chan-nel reel-to-reel tapes was somewhat less than enthusiastic.
Frankly. I was disappointed and. in fact, in thinking over the deal, came to the conclusion that the results I had obtained could only have been that the tapes were hurriedly madę and not truły representative of the potential of this tape format. Going a step far-ther, I reasoned that perhaps I was expecting too much of the tapes. espe-cially under the test conditions to which I had subjected them. Sooooo . . . I tried listening to the tape again, through the same set-up I had used originally. The results were the same. In other words through an Ampex 4-channel machinę and my 60-watt Mc-Intoshes and monster Bozak and Wharfedale set-up, the tapes just didn't measure up to the old 2-chan-nel variety.
I then obtained some smaller speak-ers of the currently popular “book-case" variety and severa! integrated stereo ampliflers of far less wattage and hooked them all up to the Am-pex. Voila! This was a horse of a dif-ferent color! Now the tapes sounded perfectly respectable. Gone was most of the crosstalk between the opposing channels, the noise level was reason-ably Iow and other spurious noises I had noticed had vanished. As to the reproduction . . . it was pleasing in quality, about on a par or a littlc better than could be obtained with a stereo disc operating through the same system.
The obvious lesson of this is that for the real finicky hi-fi boys with the big systems. there will have to be con-siderable improvement in 4-channeI tapes before they find them acceptable or desirable. For average good Systems the tapes would appear to be OK and. of course, for many of the really inexpensive "package” units that the public will be using, there is no question that they will prove satis-factory. However. down at this Ievel. comes the bug-a-boo of tape handling and here is where the cartridge ma-
October. 1959
Now you can huild the brilliant, full-rangc Schobcr Consolettk or the larger CoNCEHr Model with simple luuid tools. No skills are necessary to constrnct an instrument with one of the finest repntations amotig elcctronic organs. No wocxhvorkiiig necessary — con-soles comc coinnlctcly assem-hletl and finished. All you do is assemhlc clearly murked ciec-tronić parts guided by elear il-lustrations and detailed step-hy-step instrue-tions. Even tcen-agcrs can asseinble the ScIioIkt! You Imild from kits, as List or as slowly as you pleasc.. .at homo, in spare time - with a smali table serviug as your entire work shop!
Pay As You Build Your Organ;
Start With As Uttle As $11.94!
You may start lmilding your Schober at osice willi an inccstinent of as little as $18.94. The musical instrument you assemhlc is as finc, and technically pcrfcct, as a connncrcial organ htiilt in a factory — yet you sa\e ovcr 50" on top-cpuility elcctronic parts, on high-prieed lal tor, on usual retail storc inark-up! In your own hoinc, with your own hands you huild an organ with uciminc i>ii>c org«n tones in an infinitc varietv of tonę colors to hring iuto your hoinc tlić fuli gramlcur of the Empcror of Instruments. You inny huild the Consolkttk for your hoinc, or you may want to huild the great Cosckut Model for borne, cliurch, school or theatre. You savc 50% and inorc in cither casc.
- the only smali organ with two fuli 61 notę keyboards and 22 stops. Requlres only 2 x 3’2” floor space! Commerclal value approxlmately $1600 or morę — yet you save over 50% when you bulld this thrllllnglnstrument!
Send For Complete Details On Schober Organ* and For Hi-Fi Demonstration Record
The coupou will hring you a handsome 16-page łmoklct in fuli eolor deserihing Schol>er organs in detail, plus artielcs on how casy and rewarding it is to huild your own organ and how ploasant and (piick it is to learn to play the organ. In addition, we Iiavc prepared an twciting 10" hi-fi 1,P record domonstrat-ing the fuli range of tones and voiccs avail-ahlc on the Schobcr, which you may have for only $2.00 (rcfuiMlcd when you order a kit). Literaturo on the Schober is FREE! There is no ohligatiou; no salcsman will cali.
Mail This Coupon For FREE Literaturę and Hi-Fi Record Today!
The Schober Organ Corp., Dept. RN-1 2241 Broadway, New York 24, N. Y.
□ Please send me FREE full-color booklet and other literaturę on the Schober organs.
□ Please send me the 10” hi-fi Schober demon-stration record. I endose $2.00 (refundable on receipt of my first kit order).
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