C3 - Acquaintance with forecasting methods using simple linear and multiple regression analysis C4 - Ability to use simulation and econometric models to describe the present State and to predict the futurę performance of the organization.


relating to knowledge:

PEK_W01 The student has the knowledge about the steps of the econometric and simulation models' building. The student has the specialist knowledge in the field of quantitative and qualitative modeling and forecasting of the States and the processes in the organization.

relating to skills:

PEKJJ01 The student can build and use econometric and simulation models to solve the complex managerial problems.

PEK_U02 The student is able to use quantitative methods to describe and forecast the processes and the results of the organization's performance.

relating to social competences:

PEK_K01 The student is able to forecast the multidirectional effects of the introduced changes.

PEK-K02 The student perceives the need to enhance the analytic abilities and deepen the theoretical knowledge


Form of classes - lecture

Number of hours

Lec 1

Class rules.

Introduction to quantitative methods: definitions, basie concepts, goals


Lec 2

Econometric modeling


Lec 3

Econometric forecasts


Lec 4

Introduction to simulation


Lec 5

Steps in simulation study


Lec 6

Monte Carlo simulation method


Total hours


Form of classes - class

Number of hours

Cl 1

Cl 2

Cl 3

Total hours

Form of classes - laboratory

Number of hours

Lab 1

Class rules. Linear regression model


Lab 2

Time series forecasting model


Lab 3

Spreadsheet simulation model. Applications in marketing


Lab 4

Spreadsheet simulation model. Applications in finances


Lab 5

Discrete event simulation. Queuing problems. Service systems


Lab 6





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