This cnlargemcni shows a diamond-chip nccdlc scnc us by a disappointcd user, who lcarncd all diamond nccdlcs arc not O.K. Shows what happcns if a hcat bubblc forms whcn a chip is wcldcd on. Can't
amplo, thc ECC83 is claimod to bo less susceptible to hum. noise. and micro-phonics than the otherwise idcntical 12AX7. Replacing tho former with tho latter might crcatc a problem instoad of clearing one up. FM tuner tubes ha\e noi hcen listed. These. which e.\ist in great variety, are generally the same r.f. and i.f. types used in TV receivers.
A problem tliat bas become inereas-ingly scverc now that high-fidelity is reaching the mass market is customer misuse of the various tonę and loud-ness Controls. When dealing with an e\perienced audiophile it is generałly safe to suggest the Controls l>e set to what his ear likes best. With the new-comer to hi-fi, hrought up oti the sound ol the corner jukę l>ox. a lit tle morę instruction is usually necessary. Many a service cali for the complaint "severe distortion" ends up as a lecture on proper control sening. Customers must