United Titmsfonner Cor/torution. 150 Yarick Street. New York. N. Y. has issued iwo new caialogucs.
Now a\ailable is a generał eataloeuc which covers ihe luli rangę of over 800 siock iiems. complcte wilh spec i* (icaiions. applieations. and all pcrtinenl intormation. Also, a now scparaie catalogue. coveiing filters and in-ductors, has been issued. Al traci ively covercd and lend-ing convenience for filing and referenco. it confains speci-fications and all iiertinent Information on stock items in ihis category.
O Inni te Mtniufucłuiiug Co.. 3034 Howard Street, Skokic. Illinois, has available its Bulletin 1521). ohtainahlc at no cosi direct lrom the lirm.
• Mommum legol power # Push-to-tollc microphone • Meets all FCC rcąuircmfnts • Completc Cloti “D" (27 Megocydes) Citiieni' Bond coveragc — your choice of 5 chonnets al the ftip of o switch!
“Morę thon jus! 2-woy rodio" — !he Viking “Messenger" i* the very Fmest personel communicotions cquipment ovoiloble i n ihe field! De* signed for reiiobility ond cosy anstoMation in your homr, business loco* tion, cor, tru<k, or boot. Excellent receiver sensiliyity ond selecfivity. Built-in $quetch, Aufomofic Volume Control. ond Automotic Noise Limiter. Compoct, modern slyling — only 5*V* High, 7" wide, ond 111#" dcep. Complele with lubcs, microphone. ond crystols for one chonnel. 3 modcls oyoiloble: 115 Volls AC; 6 Volls DC ond 115 Volts AC; or 12 Volts DC ond 115 Vohs AC.
Manufacturers of the world’s most widely used personal Communications transmitters
j 101 Second Ave. S. W. • Woseco. Minnesoto
i • Pleose rush me your fuli color brochure describ* •ng the Viking “Messenger" Citizcns* 7ronsceiver.