



• Higheił Qu<slity • Top Brond Nomti Only Boicd • Lowoit SsntibU Pricst • Guorantood



•    7.5 KVA liolation Trontformsr

Pri: I iS/or 230/1/40 CPS -ith 10% ł«ps.

Soc: 115/1/40 CPS <3 7.S KVA. Unułtd. ($500 v*lu*—500 Ibt ) SI 50.00.

•    Auło-Tron*form«r

Pri: 115/1/40 CPS—30 Amp*.

Sec: IIS thru 135 Voltt in two Volt stopi @ 25 Ampt. (3.37 KVA) $100 voluo. Unułtd, orig. psck. Only $15.00.

•    Hłgh-Volłog* Tronsformor

Pri: 115 VAC @ 40 CPS.

Soc: 20.000 Voltt @ .75 KVA (opproi. 30 Mo.). Sptciol SI5.00. Woight: 47 Ibt. New, orig. boi.

•    Scintillation Countor

Brond now. Orig. certom. Roody to oporoto with freth tet bottoriet. Rog. $245.00. Spociol $49.95.    10 timet moro tentifive thon utuol

Geiger Countor.

•    Evant Gałollno or Kerotene Heatert

Orig. Gvt. pock. Spociol $5.00.

•    Dual Emergoncy Lamp

Ute di portdblo lomp or ottoch to 110 VAC or DC lino. Whet powor foili. lomp lightt. 7'/j" Dio. V/t" High. $3.95 (lon bottory).

•    Coo* Rotay

Modo for Novy. Doluio. Will hondlo ovor 2 KW. RF. 3 rog. coei connoctiom. 24 VDC Coli. $4.95. 115 VAC 40 cyclo Coil $7.95.

o Tolophono Wlro

3.000 Ft. Rool. $12.00.

$22.50 for two rool*.

•    Eleetro-VoSee Xtol Miko.

Modol 915. Brond now/orig. mfr’i cortom. $4.95.

•    Acorn Socket—15c oach.

•    Fłve Woy Binding Połtł—Rod or Błock—22< to.

•    Adjuitablo Glos* CaPacitor

.5 to 5 Mmfd. I" H.—Vi" Dio. 10 for $1.00. o Cardwoll 150 Mmfd. Fłied Padding-Capocł-tor. Jobbor boiod $1.00. o Brand Now Voctor Socket*

7 or 9 pin minioturo (spocify). 50< ooch.

•    3 Digit Voodor-Root Countor—$1.00.

•    SPST Knifo Switch jobbor boiod $1.00 (10 for $8.00).

o Intercom Cable— 7 Conductor Color-Codod Dio. $7.50 por 100 ft. $60.00 por 1.000 ft. rool.

•    Dummy Lood Ty po TS-78U. Standard Coa* input. Eicollont for VHF. lo-pwr uto with throc pilot bulbt. Compoct. Eicollont velue. $1.00 oo. 3/S2.S0.

•    Micamold 40 Mfd. @ 300 VDC. Copacitor— 40c oo. (10/S3.)

•    GE High>Voltago Powor Supply

115 Volt @ 60 CPS inout. Output dpproi. 6500 VDC. Low current. Reley-reck mountod. Un-uicd. $15.00. (Super velue.)

•    .2 Mfd @ 10 KVDC GE Pyranol Copacitor*. $4.95.

•    RCA Xfmr. 1 Jobber-Boied)

Pri. 117 Volt—40 CPS

Soc: 3B Volt @ ISO Mo. $1.25.

•    Tobe Filtorotto Hoavy>Duty Lino Filtor

(250 VAC @ 10 ompt.) $2.50.

•    Stop-Down Tronsformor

Pri: 220/240 CPS Soc: 115 V. @ 5.2 Amp*. $5.95. o Ohmite 50 Watt Rheostat 3 Lug*. Spociol. 75e oo.

•    Coramic Rotory Switch 3 PDT 35e

•    Electric Shoo Drvor. 115 VAC. UL ooprovod. Rog. $29.9S—Doluio itom mokos eicollont gift for aolfers, eJc. Cioto out $9.95 in orig. cortons—now.

•    4X1S0A Tubo*—Spociol—$7.00

•    826 Tubo*—Spociol—60<

ISoporoto Eiport Dept. promptly oipoditot your ordort ond inąuiriot. Writo.

Ali pricoi F.O.8. N.Y.C. Spocify mothod of thip-mont. Ali morchondito inturod ond guorontood for cott of mdto. only. Recoiv>nq tu boi guor-ontood 90 doyt—Spociol purpoto i Xmtg. tubot guorontood 30 doyt. Phono: WAIkor 5-7000.


blade can be used to clean away piast ic scrap. The temporary tubę pins can now be removed easily—especially if they have been oiled in advanee. The finished product is used in the manner shown in Fig. 3.

Instead of using a permanent linę cord for a.c. on some instruments, especially where a few home-built items are employed. it is often con-venient to use a single linę cord that can be plugged into whichever instrument is in use at the time. Suitable connectors can be madę up easily. Cut the linę cord. if one already exists. at the point where it enters the equip-ment and attach two tubę pins to this end of the cord. To support the pins in the properly spaced position, insert them in the twin-hole socket that will be used as a connector at the other end. Fabrication of such a double female connector will soon be described. Polyethylene molded around the two prongs, once the plastic has hardened. will hołd them firmly in the right position. See Fig. 4C.

A mating female connector can be a ready-made socket. such as those de-signed for mounting crystals. or it can be a couple of pin grippers molded into a plastic base. A cut-away view of the latter. showing one gripper in profile, appcars in Fig. 4D as it would be mounted to an instrument case. The matching combination appears in Fig. 5. Connectors of this type also come in handy for the output cables on many instruments.

Where semi-permanent Circuit con-nections are desired for leads that terminate in tubę pins or other tips of like configuration, alligator elips may be equippcd with pin grippers so that they can be slipped onto the leads temporarily. To adapt the alligator elips, cut a straight length of bare wire (about 1*4 inches is generally satisfac-tory) and tin it at both ends. Next force one end of this wire into the punched-out metal loop usually located about V£ inch from the back end of the alligator clip. as shown in Fig. 4E. and solder it in place. It may be neces-sary to enlarge this loop with a pick to accommodate the wire’s thickness. If you should happen to break open the loop. no harm will be done.

Now bring a fiattened pin gripper up to the other end of the bare wire and tack-solder it into place. Flattening the gripper is particularly important if the alligator clip is of the kind that has a plastic sleeve at the back end. This sleeve is. of course, removed before the short wire is soldered to the clip. but you will want to keep the point of con-nection as narrow as possible so that the sleeve can be slipped back on the finished product without excessive forc-ing. If no sleeve is involved. the usual polyethylene insulation can be molded on, using a temporary tubę pin to pre-vent filling of the gripper.

If there is a plastic sleeve, make surę that the gripper is so spaced that it will come to the end of the sleeve after the latter is put back. To get the sleeve back into position. you may have to enlarge the hole in it, or fiatten the metal on the gripper as much as possible. or both.

Once you start using the techniques described here, many different applica-tions will occur to you. The writer has "standardized" his work bench with such connections. even to using them on test speakers, output transformers, and other test components used for temporarv connections.

Four well known ełectronics executives were among the eleyen person* receiving the "American Success Story Awards" presented by the Free Enterprise Awards Association. Inc. From left to right are: Harry R. Ashley. president. Electronic Instrument Co.. Inc. (EICO); Eugene T. Turney,    Jr., president.    North Shore Nameplate. Inc.; Frank

P. Scully. Sr.,    president. Scully    Signal Co.; and Joe Friedman, president.    Tray-Ler

Radio Corp. Talbot T. Speer (far right). Maryland newspaper publisher. madę the presentations. The citations were giyen those whose "up-from-the ranks careers sym-bollze the rewards of success possible under the U. S. competitWe free enterprise system." The citations further noted that the recipients had "won an enduring place in the history of American endeavor by achieying success. despite adyersity. through industry. sacrifice, and ethics symbolizing the success possible under our free enterprise system." The awards were presented at ceremonies held at the Waldorf Hotel in New York. The winners later yisited the Russian Trade Fair at the Coliseum. Other winners included: Floyd B. Odium, chalrman of the board. Atlas Corp.; George Spatta. president. Clark Eąuipment Co.; Clarence J. Reese. president. Continental Motors Corp.;    Victor W. Farris.    president and    founder, Farris Engineering    Corp. &

AHiliates; Vic    Tanny. president    and founder,    Vic Tanny Enterprises; Dr.    Alfred ).

Marrow. president, Harwoad Mfg. Co.; and Herbert J. Taylor, chairman of the Board. Club Aluminum Products Co., who were present but are not pictured below.




512 Broadway. Dept. EW-10, New York 12, N. Y.




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