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VI AN. if you’ve evrr cuss*t! ov*r a *'1 loUKh rcjwir . . . if you'vc iw n int I moro inoncy . . . if ynii’\'p ®vrr wanlet] your bu*ine*s and rcputalinn lo *row . . . hcrc’s a pmtrrfiil >hovc in llucir ili«*i1i«n*— th«* nr» Trlryitiou Kerriwr Sm-iring!

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CBS Electronics, Parker Street, New-buryport. Mass., has released a new bulletin entitled “Call-Back Insurance.” This bulletin. PA-222. can be obtained by writing to the firm s Ad-vertising Scrvice.

Two of the morę common causes of premature failure of replacemont tubes in the eustomcr's set aro heater cur-rent sur ges and interna! arcing. In this new four-page bulletin. aut hor Bud Tomcr dcscribes simple Circuit mwlifi-cations and adjustmenls the scrvice dealer can make himsclf to help ciim-inate these two important causes of “eall-backs.”


Illinois Condenscr Coiniami/. 1616 North Throop Street. Chicago 22. Illinois. has released a new six-pagc. two-color eatalogue on subminiaturc electrolytic capacitois.

The booklrt includes pictures. dia-grams. technical in forma tion. and generał information as wcłl as charts for the guidancc of anyone interested in the company’s linę.

For a copy of the eatalogue and ad-ditional information. contact the firm at the above-mcntioned addiess.


PrOilncts For Indnstnf. Inc., 1530 Summcr Street. Stamford. Conn.. has a new illustrated six-pagc bulletin de-scribing modular assemhly benchcs which are not limited to lixed dimen-sions and which are madę from standard eatalogue parts.

The bulletin illustrates various con-figurations in which benchcs can be arranged showing modular and other acecssorics. uscd only where nccricd. Four difTcrcnt installations are fcu-tured. cach mecting different noeds. Also dcscribcd is a layout planning package which can make at least 34 different layouts.


Lafuiiette Ratlios new eatalogue. No. 600. is now arailable free upon request. Writc to the firm at 165-08 Liberty Avemic. Jamaica 33. N. Y.

The 1960 generał eatalogue contains ovcr 300 pages of the latest clectronic parts and cquipment. including a com-plctc linę of stereo hi-fi components.

A fuli presentation of radio and tclc-vision parts. transistor kits and minia-turized components, antennas and in-stallation accessories. amateur gear, tools, technical books, tclescopes. mi-croscopes. and camcras are shown, as well as an extcnsivc section on publie address equipment.

The section on industrial equipment contains reeeiving and special purpose tubes, reetifiers, switchcs, relays, trans-formers, converters. and specialized components.

A new linę of precision seicntific instruments is offered. including re-fractometers. spoctroscopcs, and an cngincers transit.


National Electronic Distributors As-soeiation, 343 S. Dearborn St.. Chicago 4. Illinois, is now distributing the 1959 NEDA Bat tery Index.

This seventh edition is available to all clectronic distributors. whether members of the Association or not.

The format of the 1959 Index has bron changcd to make it usable both as a wali chart and in counter cata-loguc racks. It is a cross-reference and intcrehangcahlc numbers compilation prepared by representatives of manu-facturers of batteries and the NEDA battery indcx committec.


Triad Transfonner Corjtoration, 4055 Rcdwood Avcnue. Vcnice. California. has released its new replaccment guide and eatalogue TV-60. Copies may be obtained through the firms distributors or by writing the company direct.

In addition to the guaranteed ree-ommendations for the majority of replaccment problcms. the booklet contains a eatalogue of transformers manufaetured by the company for television and audio applications.


Precision Equi/nnent Co. has pub-lishcd a reference table for enginccrs in wall-chart form. For a free copy. writc to the firm. 4411E Ravenswood Ave.. Chicago 40, Illinois.

Included in the charl are common conversions such as inches to centi-meters or watts to horsepower. as well as many comersions that are somc-times diflicult to locate in reference manuals.


RCAs Electron Tubo Division has published a reviscd and enlarged edition of its popular 24-page booklet on the firm’s power and gas tubes.

This new 32-pagc edition contains data on 19 new tubę types. It providcs concisc technical information on power tubes, rcctifier tubes. thyratrons, and ignitrons. Each tubę ty|>c is covered by a thumb-nail text description; charted dimensions, ratings, and operating values; and a base or terminal-connec-tion diagram. Photographs of represen-




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