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Electronics in Outer Space

(Continued from page 63)

tronie cut-off device prevents the cam-eras from operat ing when a Iarge per-centage of the useful viewing area is outside their field of vision.

Although initial uses of TV cameras aboard earth satellites are primarily for meteorological purposes. such space vehicles have tremendous military po-tential for the direct surveillance of various areas around the world.

Ultimate deveIopment of larger satellites will make possible larger and morę sophisticated electronics pay-loads. permitting the use of morę definitive TV cameras and related equipment for a wide variety of sur-veillance purposes.

Toward this end, at least nine such satellites will be launched during the fali and early winter of 1959, each equipped with a TV-type sensory unit as the Principal payload—and each payload weighing about a ton. These satellites are part of the extensive “Project Sentry.”

Power Supplies

The majority of U. S. and Russian satellites and space probes have uti-lized mercury or Chemical batteries as the principal source of power. Where space and weight are not critical, this is an obvious choice. As futurę space vehiclcs accept larger payloads with higher power requirements, mercury or Chemical batteries will be utilized morę widely.

In the early days of space explora-tion. however. weight and volume were factors of significance. For these rea-sons, clusters of solar colls were em-ployed to power the data transmitter aboard the “Vanguard I” launched in March 1958.

Light energy from the sun incident on each of six clusters of solar cells. connected in parallel. produced about 50 milliwatts—enough to operate the data transmitter. So successful was this conversion process. that today this satellite—still circling the earth—con-tinues to transmit temperaturo data and will continue to do so for hundreds of years.

A further devolopment of the solar-cell power supply was used for "Ex-plorer VI." launched in August. 1959 (Fig. 14). Here. four paddle wheels, each 20" x 20" with 1000 solar cells on each side. generate electricity to re-charge internal Chemical batteries.

With the decided trend to larger space vehicles. however, weight and volume are no Ionger critical considera-tions—and Chemical or mercury batteries will find continued and expanded use.

Operating power for the “Pioneer III" was supplied by a ring of 18 mercury batteries. built into a periphery around the electronics payload (Fig. 17).

In "Project Score." a bat tery of zinc-silver oxide cells provided operating

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