Model B44 30-watt Reentrant. Diecast alummum horn. wilh re-movabie driver. and umversal mountmg bracket. Designed for easy servicmg with field-replaceable woice coil. Wide-range response: 250-10,000 cps. Dispersion: 90°. Sound pressure level: 120 db. Imp.: 8 ohms. Size: V/%diam. x 8'/t~ deep. Net wt. 5 Ibs. 10 oz.    List Price. $34.50

Model 844-45 Reentrant with 45-ohm voice coil for intercom use.

List Price, $36.00

(Sound pressure level measured af 4 fl on ans (rom WO lo 1500 cps wrtlT fuli raled mpul)

E-V sound proiectors are extra-rugged for long-life service indoors or out-doors. They are weatherproof. blastproof, splashproof. Actual comparison on the job proves their superior.ty.

*0esijn Paleni 169,904

Write for Bulletin 258A to Dept.l09-N

No Finer Choice łhan


Other Popular Models in the Complete E-V Linę

For large area sound remtorcement: Model 848 30-watt CDP or Model 848LT 30-watt Long-Throw CDP. at $75.00 list. For high-fidelity voice and musie: the E-V Musicaster at $80.00 list. Remember too, you get even better sound when you choose an E-V high-f.delity Professional microphone from today's most complete linę.



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