Cognitive flexibility:
0+ & E+ = high cognitiue flexibility O- & E- = Iow cognitiueflexibility
C+ & A+ & O+ & E+ & N-= high cognitiue efficiency
= Iow cognitiue efficiency
A1: Trust
01: Fantasy
A2: Straight-forwardness
02: Aesthetics
A3: Ałtruism
03: Feelings
A4: Compliance
04: Actions
A5: Modesty
05: Ideas
A6: Tender mindedness
06: Values
C1: Competence
E1: Warmth
C2: Order
E2: Gregarious ness
C3: Dutifulness
C4: Achievement striving
E3: Assertive ness
E4: Activity
C5: Self-discipline
E5: Excitement seeking
C6: Deliberation
E6: Positive emotion
N1: Anxiety
N6: Hostility
N2: Depression
N3: lmpulsiveness
N5: Vulnerability to stress
N4: Selfconsdous ness
N+ & E+ = choleńc temperament N+ & E- = melancholie temperament N- & E+= sanguine temperament N- & E- = phlegmatic temperament
A |
C |
N |
E |
0 |
Agreeableness |
Conscientiousness |
Neuroticism |
Extraversion |
Openness |
‘focus on the other’ |
‘focus on results' |
'emotional instability' |
focus on the outside world' |
'focus on the new' |
HIGH A(+): adapter |
HIGH C(+): focused |
HIGH N(+): reactive |
HIGH E(+): extravert |
HIGH 0(+): exploring |
MEDIUM A: negotiater |
MEDIUM C: balanced |
MEDIUM N: responsive |
MEDIUM E: ambivert |
MEDIUM 0: moderate |
LOW A(-): challenger |
LOW C(-): nonchalance |
LOW N(-): resilient |
LOW E(-): introvert |
LOW O(-): preserver |