Fumiture eonriesy of Lopipero tnc.
Containing two compfete multi-speaker Systems in one compact enclosure. the Trłmcnsionjl‘ TMS ? projects frequencies of both channels to the rear and side walls of the room. Thus. one large wali area becomes channel A; another channel B... e«actly as if you had a series of widely dlstributed speakers for each channel.
Whcn you listen to the TMS-2, you will cx|>criencc stcrcophonic . reproduction that no comentional system can cver «it hievc. Its entiicly new principle of operation |>ermits cvery listener throughout tlie room to enjoy fully balancetl sound with such cxtraordinary breadth and three-dimensional depth that it seems to originatc beyond the coniines of the room itself. Fuli Controls and adjustable doors allow the ‘Trimensional’ TMS-2 to be placed anywhere — along wali or corner — w ithout affccting its performance capabilities. The fuli TMS-2 story is a fascinating one. Write for it today.