
35w power ampllfiers ol the highest quahty. Uses 1op-quality outpul transformers for undis-torted response across the entirc audio rangę a! fuli power to prOvide utmost clarity on fuli orchestra 4 organ. IV distortion 1% al 70w. harmonie dislorlion less than l% from 20 lo 20,000 cps wlthin l db of 70w. Ultra-lmear eon-.nected EL34 output stages 4 surgistor-protected Silicon diodę rectifier power suppiy. Selector switch chooses mono or stereo service; 4. 8. 16. and 3? ohm speaker taps, mput ie»el Controls; basie sensilivity 0.38 vOlls. Wilhoul exag-gcratlon. one of the vcry finest stereo amplifiers available regardiess ot pnee. Use with self-powered stereo preamplilier-controi unit (HF85 recommended). Kit $74.95. Wired $114.95.

HF86 28W Stereo Power Amplifier Kit $43.95. Wired $74.95.

FM Tuner HFT90: Prewired, prealigned. temperaturę compensated "Iront end" is drilt-free. Pre-wired exclu$ive precision cye-tronic!P travelmg tuning indicator. Scnsitivity: 1.5 uv lor 20 db Ouietmg; 2.5 uv lor 30 db quleting. luli limltlng

plete "front-end" facitities and true htgh fidel-ity perlormance. inputs lor phono. tape head, TV. tuner and crystal/ceramlc cartndge. Prelerred vanable crossover. leedback type tonę conlrol Circuit. Highly slabie Wiiliamson-type power amplifier Circuit. Power Output: 12W contmuous, ?5w peak. Kit $34.95. wired $57.95. inciudes cover.

New HFS3 3-way Speaker System Semi-Kit com-plete with factory-built veneered plywood (4 sides) cabmet. Bellows-suspension. lull-inch ex-Cursion 12" woofer (22 cps res.). 8“ mid-range speaker with high Interna! damping cone for smooth response. 3Vi" cone Iweeter. 2Va cu. II. duded-port enclosure. System Qof Vj for smooth-est lrequency & best translent response. 32-14.000 cps ciean, useluf response. 16 ohms impedance. HWO: 26Vj”, 13,/i".14HM. Unlinished birCh $72.50. Walnut, mahogany or leak $87.95.

New HFS5 2-wav Speaker System Semi-Kit com-plete with factory-built Va" veneered plywood (4 sides) cabmet. Bellows-suspension. excur-

highs. 70-12.000 cps rangę 8 Ohms. HWO: 23' x 1T x 9 '. Pnee $39.95.

LCS-1 Brass T.p Matchmg 14" legs - $3.95. HFS2 Omni-Oirectional Speaker System (not illus ) HwD: 36". 15Vi~. 11V5“. "Iminenlly musical” -MICH FI DEL ITY. "Fine lor stereo" - MODERN Hl-Fl. Completely lactory- built. Mahogany or walnut $139.95. Blond $144.95.

Copyright 1959 by Elect


IMPORTAMI NOTĘ: Ali EICO kits built according to our instructions. and all '■

EICO lactory-assembled equipment, eon- i lorm to the high standards and specifica-tlons as publlshed in EICO literaturę and i dvertisements. All EICO łactory-assenbled quipment is completely and meticulously hand- I wired throughout — no printed circuitn': each lactory-assembled unit is 100% finai-tested 1, throughout lor each leature and luncticn - no "spot'* or ••partlal” checking. In ElCO’s finał- j* test techniques, nothlng Is left to chance. _^

*fill out coupon on olher side tor FREŁ CATALOG

October. 1959



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