TKVM 2305 Travel Ind ust ry Management

(II MCA 2307)    3-0 3

Ihc prepafation lor mid-managcmcnt posiliom m the trascl and lourism industry Topics includc business organi/ation. Nirlmc Keporting Corporation rcquircmcnt% and rcgulations bookkccping rcquircmcnls. cquipmcnt dccisinns and airlmc Computer system affiliation. as sscll as stall dcscloprocnt and cmplo>cc relalions. c\pcricntial team building Applications. and the mtcrsicssmg process

WDWK 1413 Cabincl Making(TtBT 1405)    2-5-4

Includcs the design and conslniction of base cahincts and ssali cabincts for kitchcns and bathrooms I mphasis on the sale use of portablc and stationary posser tods Finishing iechniqoes includc proper sanding. scaling. staining. and finishing tcchniqucs Prcrcqutsitc CRPi 1429 or consent of the Department Chair

WDWK 2451 Cabinet Making 11(1 IHT 1406,

MTNT2408)    3-3-4

Adsaneed skills in machinę ssoodssocking and hand craltsmamhtp Lmphasi/cs adsaneed design and door and drasser conslruction. laminate laying. and customer and co-ssorkcr relalions Prcrcqu»silc WDWK 1413 or consent of the Department Chair

WLDG 1413 Introduction to Hlueprmt Reading for

Wclders(WELD I406.TIWL 1401)    3-3-4

A study of mdustnal bloeprints I mphasis placcd on tcrminolog) symbols. graphic desenption. and ssclding proccsscs. includmg systems of measurements and industry standards Inicrprctation of plans and drassmgs uscd b> mdustry Prcrcqimitc or ( o-rcquisitc Wl IXi 2403 or consent of the Department Chair

WLDG 1423 Wclding Safety, Took and E<|uipincnt

(1 INN l 1300, nn i DG2403)    3-3-4

An introduction to ssclding carccrs and salcts practicc. mcluding ssclding safety. ÓSMA and the ila/ardous ( ommunication Act Materiał Safety Data Sheets (MSI)S). basie malhcmattcs. mcasunng systems. shop operations. use and care of prccision mcasunng tools; and the use and carc of the hand and posser tools Instruction on sarious lypcs of ssclding cquipnKnt and proccsscs. basie ssclding gases. Iluscs. rods. clcctrodcs. symbols. and blucprmts.

WLDG 1425 Introduction toOw-FucI Wclcling and Cutting {NN I II) 1401, I INNI 1302)    3 3 i

An introduction to oxy-fucl ssclding and cutling includmg bisiory and 1'uturc m ssclding. safety. set up and maintcnancc ofo\y-fucl ssclding. and cutling cquipmcnt and supplics Prcrcquisitc or Co*rcquisitc WLDG 1423 or consent ot the Department Chair

WLDG 1428 tatro. toShieklcd MetalArc Welding(SMANV) (NN I LD 1402. I INNI 1303)    3 3 1

An introduction to shicldcd metal arc ssclding process I mphasis placcd on posser sourccs. clectrodc sclcciion. oxy-fuci cutting. and sarious joint designs Instruction prosidcd in SMAW fillel sselds in sarious positions Prcrcquisites or ( o-rcquisites WLDG 1425 and Wl IX* 1423. or consent of the Department Chair

WLDG 1430 IntroductiontoGasMetal Arc(MIG)Wclding

(WELD 2408,T1WL 1408)    3-3-4

A study of lite pnnciplcs of gas metal arc ssclding. set up and use of GMAW cquiprncnt. and safc use of lools and equipmcnl Instruction in sarious joint designs Prcrcquisitcs Wl DG 1428 and WLDG 1423. or consent of the Department Chair

WLDG 1434 Introduction to Gas Tungsten Arc(TlG)

Welding (WELD 2407, Tl WL 2409)    3-3-4

An introduction to the pnnciplcs of gas tungsten arc ssclding (GTAW) set up and use of GTAW cquipmcnl. and safc use of tools and cquipmcnt Wclding instruction in sarious positions on joint designs Prcrcquisitc WLDG 1428 or consent of the Department Chair

WLDG 1435 Introduction to Pipę Wclding (WELD 2402,

OWI 2410)    3-3-4

An introduction to ssclding of pipc using the shicldcd metal arc ssclding (SMAW) process. includmg clectrodc sclcciion. cquipmcnt scl up. and safc shop practiccs I mphasis on sscld positions IG and 2G using sarious clcctrodcs Prcrcquisitc WLDG 1457 or consent of the Department Chan

WLDG    1457    Intcrmcd Shieklcd Metal Arc WckJing(SMAW)

(WELD 1403, Tl WL 1304)    3-3-4

A study of the prodoction of sarious liilcts and groosc sselds Preparation ot spccimens for tcsting in all test positions Prcrequisitc Wl IKi 1428 or consent ol ihc Dcpartrocnl Chair

WLDG    2406    Intermediate Pipc Welding    3-3-4

A compcchcmise coursc on the ssclding of pipc using the shicldcd metal arc ssclding (SMAW) process Posihon of sselds ssill be IG. 2G. 5G. and 6G using sarious clcctrodcs Topics covcrcd includc clectrodc sclcciion. cquipmcnt setup, and safc shop practiccs Prcrcquisitc.

WLDG 1435 or consent of the Department Chair

WLDG 2413 Welding IJsing Multiple Processes

(TIWLI402)    2-7-4

Instruction using    layoul tools and blucprint rcading    ssith    dcmonstralion

and guidcd pructices ssith somc of the follossmg ssclding proccsscs oxy-fucl gas cutting and ssclding. shicldcd metal arc ssclding. gas metal arc ssclding. flux-corcd arc ssclding. gas tungsten arc ssclding or any other approscd ssclding process

WIDG 2435 AdyancedLayoutandFabricatkMi

(W LIK. 1417, IINNI 2412)    3-3-4

A capstonc coursc in layoul and fabricalion sshich coscrs production and fabricalion ol layoul tools and proccsscs l mphasis on Application of fabricalion and layoul skills Prcrcquiiiic Satisfaclory complction of all WI.IKi courscs in the program cxcepl Wl DG 2488 or consent of the Department Chair

WLDG 2439 Ads aneed Oxy-Fuel Welding and Cutting

(NN H 1)1405)    3-3-4

A study of al) posihon ssclding on ferrous and nonferrous mctals using ox> acctylcnc ssclding process includmg ssclding and cutting. bra/ing. and soldering opcrations Prcrcquisitc WLDG 1425 or consent of the Department Chair

WLDG 2443 Adsaneed Shidded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) (WELD 2401, Tl WL 1306)    3-3- 4

Adsaneed topics bascd on acccptcd ssclding codcs. Iraimng pros idcd ssith sarious clcctrodcs m shicldcd metal arc ssclding proccsscs ssith open V-groosc jomls in all positions Prcrcquisitc WI.DG 1457 or consent of the Department Chair


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