Rea Milano 1595884
IMQ S.p.A.
1-20138 Milano - via Ouintiliano, 43 lal. 0250731 (r.a.) - fax 0250991500 e-mall: •
Registro Imprese Ml 12898410159 C.F./P.I.12898410159 CapitaleSoclalae 4.000.000
Allegato - Certificato di approvazione Annex - Approval certificate
Emesso U / Issued on 2002-12-11 Data <t aggkrmamento / Updatedon 2007-09-18 SosOtidsce / Replaces 2002-12-11
Costruito a | Manufactured at
nmnn a«*., 24060 CASAZZA BG Italy
«eo«B aGEwi.cMLCGEwi.c 24069 CENATE SOTTO BG Italy
Copla deI presente certificato deve essere consen/ata presso! luoghl dl produzlone Copy ofthls certificate most be avallable at the manufadurlng places llsted above
sopra elencatl.
Umltazlonl ENEC att. B EN 60598-2-5:1998 EN 60598-1:2004 + Al:2006
ENEC Umitation encl. B EN 60598-2-5:1998 EN 60598-1:2004 + Al:2006
Productsmeeting the essentiaIrequtrementsofLV.D. 2006/95/EC
e / Degree ofprotecdon (1P) IP65
llazlone/TypeotInstallation parete/plafone/palo/terra / wall/ceiling/pole/floor trlale delpiano dlappogglo / normalmente infiammabile F / normally flammable F
SeneISeries HORUS3
Marca / Trade mart GEWISS N.lampade/P.nominale I No.of lamps/Rated wattage 1x400W
Attacco lampada/Upo / Lamp cap/type E40 ST/ MT M. dl Upoi Type ref. GW 85 203
Marca! Trademark GEWISS N.lampade/P.nominale / No.oflamps/Pated wattage lx400W
Attacco lampada/Upo / Lamp cap/type E40 ST/ MT