ing occupational cwcmsc suffcrcrs Irom scck-ing alicriiativc cmploymcntl *

'Hic incrcase in reported iucidcnccsofoccu-pationnl ovcrusc lias brought willi ii an incrcnsc in rescarch. Lighi is now bcginning 10 bc shcd on llio propcr trcalnicnl atul prcvcniion of lliis vcry rcal and vcry scrious workplacc disordcr.

Cotmllcss workcrs vulncrablc Propcr prcvcniivc mcasures for occupational ovcrusc musi bcgin willi a basie understanding of ihc disordcr from a clinical point of view. Ovcrusc condilions usually arisc from the in-llammation and swclling of tendons, lendon sheaths, ligamenis, cpicondylcs or bursac (sce figurę on page 32). Symptoms include chronię pain, numbness, lingling. wcakncss and prób Icms holding and grasping objccls.

Pul simply. icndons conneci musclcs lo bones, and ligamenis arc ihe bands of connec-live lissuc ihal unile the joinis. Some tendons run through smoolh lubricaling casings callcd synovial sheaihs. Overuse of lendons can causc ihe inflammaiion of the lendons and/or syn-ovial sheath, resuiting in lendinitis or lenosyn-ovii is. Epicondy les are iwo boney bumps found at the lower comers of the humerus bonę al the elbow. Overusc of ihese tissues is called epi-condylitis, morę populariy known as tennis elbow. Bursitis, anoihcr condition caused by occupational overuse. is the swclling or dete-rioration of the bursae — protcctive cushions or smoolh lubricaling sacs found at the shoul-der joint and other locations where lendons rub against bones. ligaments or other tendons.

At the wrist — a frequent site of occupational ovcrusc — ncrves, blood vcsscls and lendons arc bound logether wilh a large band of lissuc. This bundleof fibres runs from the wrisi to Ihc hand through a routc bordered by scvenil smali bones. Tltcsc arc callcd ihcearpal bones and the routc is callcd the carpal tunncl. Carpal tunnel syiulromc is a conunonoveruse disordcr ihal dcvclops wlicn repet iii vc niotions causc exccssivc and prolongcd eompression of (lic median ncrvc (hal runs through ihc carpal tun-ncl. Other eommon ovcru.sc condilions include ganglions (lluid-lillcd lumps ovcr tciulon sheaths or joinis) aiul non-spccillc condilions sucli as * process workcrs ami.*

Workcrs from a widc array of occupalions fali victim lo llicsc disorders. Panicularly sus-ccpiiblc arc iliosc who pcrfomi rcpelilive lasks or lasks involving elose or dclicaic work. Vic-lims of occupational ovcrusc arc frcqucntly clcrical worlccrs. dala proccss operators. and clothing. icxiilc and clccirical workcrs.

Four factors dclerminc occurrcnce Tlicrc arc a numberof factors ihal can contrib-uic to ihc dcvclopmcm and scvcrity of overu.se condilions. Thcse factors are ergonomie, cnvi-romncnial. adrninistmtive and pcrsonal.

Ergonomie factors. Thesc refer to lhose elements of the Workstation, tools, cquipmeni. machincs or the task itself Ihal can influence the occuncnce of overusc condilions. Some of the morc important Workstation factors include the hcight, area, angle and adjustability of work surfaccs,and the shapc and contour of supports such as chairs and footrests.

Problems also arise from static (holding) work caused by work surfaces Ihat arc too high or worksiations ihat are poorly designed with respect to the body dimensions of the worker. Long periods with one or both shoulders raised, the neck or wrists bent, or the elbows held up or out are very siressful and can exhaust musclcs.

Work should be arranged so ihat it can be performed sitting or standing comfortably. Ideał ly, the worker should bc ablc 10 adopt several different forward-facing postures wiih head and irunk upright or with the head in-clined slightly forward. The weight of the body should be wcII distributed and work should not be performed abovc hcart lcvel without sup-port.

Although somc manufaclurers havc madc greal strides in the area of ergonomics, many slill make tools. equipmem and machines that rcquire workcrs to adopt poor postures, or lorce tlieirhandsand arms intocxtrcmcanglcs. “Fit the task to the mair’andł‘Bcndthe t od. not the hand*’ arc classic adages (hal often lail lo gci the poini across. Convcntional hand tools such ;ls scrcwdrivcrs and pliers are fundamen-flally unsuited for the function of ihc forcann iKrcausc llicy furce ihc worker lo «>{x.*rate willi ellK>w up and out. and with the wrisi hent al an unnatural angle.


Work should be arranged so that it can be

performed sitting or standing comfortably. Ideally, the worker should be able to adopt several different forward-facing postures with head and trunk upright or with the head inclined slightly forward.















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