Floating point notation

Scientific notation





6 870 000

six million eight hundred and seventy thousand


six point eight seven times ten to the power six / ten to the sixth


zero point zero zero zero zero one eight (or oh, nought instead of zero)


one point eight times ten to the power minus five / ten to the minus five

Exponents 2 and 3 have special names: 42 is spoken 'four squared' and 53 is ’five cubed'.

The other way of expressing very large or very smali numbers is to use logarithms. Chemists often use common logarithms (or base 10 logarithms) to give the values of equilibrium constants, ratę constants or pH. The expression log2 = 0.3 reads 'the logarithm of two equals zero (oh, nought) point three'.

Many Chemical and physical values are expressed in specific units. Examples of such units are kg (kilogram), m2 (square metre), g cm'3 (gram per cubic centimetre).

1.1.1. Reading comorehension:

1.    What are the four basie mathematical operations?

2.    Do we always obtain an integer when we divide two integers?

3.    When do we use scientific notation?

4.    How do chemists often express the values of Chemical constants?

5.    What units do we use to express the speed of a car?

1.1.2. New terms and expressions:









9 | S t r o n a


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