KULTURA Module 9

1 Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami: sketches. charts. critics. oortrait, studio. Dwa są dodatkowe.

1    Her artisfs...............is on the top floor. It's spacious.

2    Da Vinci’s charcoal...............of various inventions are amazing.

3 Her latest film did not get very good reviews from the................

2    Wybierz właściwe słowo.

1    Jenny reads historical/fantasy novels about unicoms, elves and fairies.

2    l’m not keen on heavy/rock metal because it’s too loud.

3    The applause from the audience/cast went on for almost 5 minutes.

3    Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami: twist, wind, landscape, horror, biopraphy. Dwa są dodatkowe.

3    I read a fascinating...............about the life of Marie Curie.

4    Jane loves books and films with an unexpected...............at the end.

5    I never watch...............films because l’m afraid afterwards.

4    Wybierz właściwa opcie.

1    The Victorian era...............for the play were hand-made.

A artists    B costumes

2    E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial was...............by Steven Spielberg.

A set    B directed

3    The...............from that film went straight to the top of the charts.

A soundtrack    B opera

5    Wybierz właściwa opcję.

1    You should apologise when you are_

A) lately    B) late

2    I haven't seen him_

A) late    B) lately

3    They came_after breakfast.

A) directly    B) direct

4    I_need some money.

A) desperate    B)    desperately

5    The woman smiled at me_

A) pleasant    B)    pleasantly

6    l've tried_to pass my exam.

A) hard    B)    hardly

7 It was a_train.

A) slow    B)    slowly

8    The motorways in your country are not_

A) bad    B)    badly

9    The piane was_up in the sky.

A) highly    B)    high

10    The weather today is_than yesterday.

A) worst    B)    worse

11 I got_than they promised.

A) morę    B)    the most

12    Which is_hotel in the world?

A) the most expensive    B)    morę expensive

13    That's_chair in this room.

A) bigger    B)    the biggest


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