1 Uzupełnij wyrazami: mayor, head, goyernment, orime, generał. Dwa są dodatkowe.

1 Many countries have...............elections every 4 years.

2    Our...............decided to build special bicycle paths around town.

3    The...............of State in the UK is Queen Elizabeth II.

2    Wybierz i zakreśl właściwe słowo.

1 We can build morę houses to deal with homelessness/overpopulation.

2. She broke into the museum and shoplifted/stole a priceless painting.

3Afterthe witnesses/jury testified, the robber decided to plead guilty.

3    Uzupełnij wyrazami: poyerty, racism, democracy, monarchy, candidate. Dwa są dodatkowe.

1 ...............and illness are two major problems in Third World countries.

2    Today, not many countries have...............as a system of government.

3 ...............in many countries has increased due to new immigration laws.

4    Wybierz i zakreśl właściwa opcję.

1    It may be a minor offense, but...............can be dangerous.

A hijacking    B speeding

2    Her son was...............from the school playground and held for ransom.

A kidnapped    B stolen

3    Everyone should work hard to stop threats and...............in our schools.

A poverty    B bullying

5    Uzupełnij zdania w mowie zależnej czasownikami w odpowiedniej formie i wyrażeniami z listy • the week after • two days before • the previous day • the week before • then Example: „I donated some clothes to charity yesterday.” said Veronica.

Veronica said that she had donated some clothes to charity the preyious day.

1 „Richard will go to France next week,” Lewis told me.

2 „I am working on my school project now," said Alan.

3 „Mum watered the plants last week,”, John told us.

4 „Mr Norman took the rubbish to the recycling centre two days ago,” said Sue.

6 Przekształć podane zdania na mowę zależna tak, jak podano w przykładzie. Example: „Can I use your Computer?” Andrewasked Laura.

Andrew asked Laura is he could use her Computer.

1 „Do you like extreme sports?” Frank asked Larry.

2 „How far is your house from the college?” Kelly asked Susan.

3 „What are you doing tonight?" Lucy asked us.

4 „Did you go to Lyn's party last night?” Samantha asked them.

5 „Have you been to the British Museum?” Mrs Moran inguired.

6 „Who will be the leader of the school recycling campaign?” the teacher wanted to know.

7 Przepisz podane polecenia w mowie zależnej używając wyrazów z nawiasu.

1    „Add morę flour," Mrs Smith said to her.


2    „Don’t touch the wires!” he said to John.


3    „Don’tthrow away the magazines,” he said to me.


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