
From Wkptd*. t^ł f'— eneyojopeda

[ TMiSinold rtyiiionoł tto pijł.jt t-tofl by H*łd (Uli I cootnbi) łt ?0:4S. 27 Ftbnury 2C04 fcłunjfd <fr.J. Th» prmnt i tort u (URL) n » pemantnl Ink to IM r*vH<or». wbich miy ółttr łgnFonily Iron th* (urrtnt fłyiłion    |

:«f • Pr«WXłwtfoa; Lł*K r«W" («f)! NWł' 'MW • («.*

Perseus was tbe son of Danae, the ©nly chM of Acrtsius king ol Argos. D«sappoirted by his łąck of małe heirs. be asked an oracie if th«s wouW cbange. The oracie toM bim tbat one day be wouM    be lJed by bis daughtefs chU    Sbe was chłiiess and.

meaning to keep ber so. be shut ber up in a bozen chamber Bot Zeus came to ber in tbe form of rain. and lmp<egna:ed ber Soon after. their cbW Perseus was bom

Nonę too bappy, bot imwSog to provoke tbe wrath of tbe gods by Irłng bis offspring, Acrtsius east tbe two into tbe sea in a wooden chesł. They wasbed asbore on tbe island of Seripbos, wbere tbey were taken in by Dietys, tbe brother of king Połydectes. who raised tbe boy to manhood. Now after a tirr^ Połydectes fel in love włh Danae, and so wanted to get Perseus oot of tbe piełure. He tbereby batcbed a płot to send bim on a soktóe missicn.

Połydectes płaced some strong bints tbat be wouW tove to have tbe bead of Medosa. one of tbe gorgons whose very e*pcessijn tums pecpłe to słone. He tben annoonced tbat be wouW woo Hppodamia and so reeded tbe ołhers to provide bim w#h borses (a dfferent m>th). Sbamed at havtng notbing to gkre. Perseus left to get bim Medusas bead. Tbis was of coorse not easy, and for a long time be wandered eimlessi/, wthout hcpe of ever finding ber or being abłe to accompteh bis mission when bedid.

Tbe gods Hermes and Albena came to bis resc ue. Tbey led bim to tbe Graeae. tbree perpetuały oW women wth one e/e and toołb between tbem and sisters of tbe gorgons. Perseus took tbe eye and wouW not return « untl tbey bad gb.en bim drectons He aiso receb/ed winged sonda >s. a magie wa»et. tbe cap of Hades tbat madę cne invWble. an adamantine sklJe. and a minored sbield. VMtt» al tbis be came u pen tbe sleeping gorgons By vtewing Medusas reflecton in bis shieW be couW safeiy opproach and cut off ber bead. Tbe otber two gorgons pursued bim. but be became invfcMe and escaped

On tbe way back to Argos. Perseus stopped in Ethtopia, ruled by King Cepb.eus and Oueen Cassopeia. CassWpeia. having boasted berseł egual in beauty to tbe Nereids. drew down tbe vengeance of Poseidon. wbo sent on inundation on tbe land and a sea-monster wfckh destroyed man and beast Tbe oracie of Ammon bavtng announced tbat no rełef wouid be found untł tbe king e*posed bis daugbter Andromeda to tbe monster, sbe was faster.ed to a rock on tbe sbore. Here Perseus. returring frem bavfng słam tbe gorgon, found ber siew tbe monster, set ber free, ond married ber in sprte of Pbineus. to w bom sbe bad before teen promised. At tbe wedding a guarrel took place between tbe rk/als. and Pbineus was tumed to słone by tbe sigbt of tbe Gorgon s bead (Owi, Metom. v. I \ Andromeda fołowed ber husband to Tryns in Argos, and became tbe ar-cestress of tbe fam*/ of tbe Perse Wae tbrough Perseus- ond Andromedom son. Perses. After ber death sbe was piaced by Atbeno amongst tbe consteiatons in tbe nortbem siy near Perseus ond CassWpeia Sopboeies and Euripides (and in morę modem times Comede) madę tbe story tbe sut*ect of tragedie*. and «* incldents were represented m numerous ancient worts of ort

And on returr ing to Argos and discovering bis motber bad bad to tale refuge from tbe vWent ways of Połydectes. be ł*ed bim, ond madę Oictys ling.

Perseus tben retumed bis toołs and ga^e Medusa s bead as a gift to Atbena. He started for Argos, but leamirg of tbe oracie instead went to Larissa, wbere 8tbletic games were    being beki.    By cbance Acrtsius was tb.ere,    and    Perseus accidentaly strućk

bim with bis ja^eSn. fuMrg tbe oracie. Too shamod to return to Argos be tben gave tbe lingdom to Megapertbes son of Proetus (Acrtsius- brotber) and took over bis lingdom of Tyrtns. a ho foundr»g Mycenae and Mtóea tbere.

Ab>as was a good frtend of Perseus

One legend goes tbat Perseus tumed Atlas tbe T«an mto Atlas tbe mountain usmg tbe bead of Medusa when be refused to gi.e Perseus sbełer

Perseus and Andromeda bad sł< sons: Perses. AJeaeus, Heieus. Mestor, Stbenelus. and Ełectryon Tbe frsł w3s supposediy left in Etbiopia and became ancestor of tbe emperors of Persia to explain tbe simlarity of tbe countr/s name and Perseus-. His descendants ruled Mycenae from Ełectryon down to Eurystheus. after wbom Atreus got tbe lingdom. and include tbe great bero Heracles son of Ampb*ryon son of Alcaeus.

The legend of Perseus was tbe bash for tbe f*m Cłisft ofthe T/ons. tbe last mo-rte to feature Ray Harrybausen s stop moten special effecls.


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