Annex2.4 Page 6 of 6
28. As regards efforts to control sexually trans mi tted diseases (STDs) and AIDS, the second medium-term program (PMT U) 1993-95 identifled the following strategies, on whicb our efforts will fbcus: 0) sensitizing the public at large, with specific campaigns targeting young people;
(ii) psychological counselling for those testing HIV positive and patients with full-blown AIDS;
(iii) development of control strategies suited to rural conditions; (iv) social marketing of condoms; and (v) strengthening of ways to control transmission through the blood. The tuberculosis control program wili be strengthened in light of the recrudescence of this disease with the spread of HIV infection. This program w,li be implemented in combinadon with the other PHC activities.
29. Maternal and child heaith care programs will be a goverament priority. For example, under the Expanded Programme of Immunization (EPI), the goal is to increase the coverage ratę to 90% by 1995, by combining vaccinations with well-baby and prenatal consultations. The strategy being pursued at the CSPS level and the mobile strategy involving mobile district teams will be maintained. The FP program will be extended and strengthened. In the case of the programs for controlling diarrheal diseases and micronutrient deficiencies, four main kinds of campaigns will be waged: 0) sensitizing the population to the need to diversify their food intake, through the production, distribution and consumption of foods rich in minerał salts and vitamins (iron, iodine, Vitamin A) and the prevention of dehydration during episodes of diarrhea; 0i) micronutrient supplementation for target groups whenever they vish the social and heaith services; 0ii) fortification of food with micronutrients, especially iodization of salt; and 0v) the provision of combined heaith and nutritional care to prevent infections and enhance the heaith status of the population, in addition to popularizing the use of orał rehydration therapy (ORT).
30. As part of the implementation of this heaith policy, the Ministry of Health, Social Development and the Family (MSASF) will continue its reorganizadon process and strengthen the management capacity of the central and provincial departments. Out of concern to ensure that ąuality care is available to the entire population at an affordable cost, the Government will continue to bear part of the recurrent costs of the heaith faciiities established, so as to assure their optimum operation. Cost recovery mechanisms will be phased in as part of the "Bamako Initiative" approach.
31. This, Mr. President, is the broad thrust of our heaith policy. To implement it, we request the assistance of your institution in the form of the Health and Nutrition Development Project (PDSN).
Yours truły,