Profesor Czesław Oleśkowicz-Popiel - Jubileusz 70-cio lecia

Education and Student Heat Transfer Design, Edited by M.V.A. Bianchi, P.M. Norris, A.M. Anderson, and A. Duncan, HTD-VoI. 344, 67-74, 1997.

[22]    C.O. POPIEL, and J. WOJTKOWIAK, Convective heat transfer in a wavy pipę flow. HEAT TRANSFER 1998, Proc. llth Int. Heat Transfer Conference, Vol. 3, 145-150, Kyongju, Korea, 1998.

[23]    C.O. POPIEL, and J. WOJTKOWIAK, Effect of air release ffom heated water in the pipę flow on pressure losses and convective heat transfer. Proceedings of The 3rd BALTIC HEAT TRANSFER CONFERENCE, Gdańsk, September 1999.

[24]    C.O. POPIEL, Heat flux measurements (review). Proceedings of The 3rd BALTIC HEAT TRANSFER CONFERENCE, Gdańsk, September 1999.

[25]    C.O. POPIEL J. WOJTKOWIAK, B. BIERNACKA, Measurements of temperaturę distributions in soil. Proceedings of the Int. THERMAL SCIENCE SEM1NAR., ASME - ZSITS, Ed. A.E. Bergles and I. Golobic, pp. 157-161, Bied, Slovenia, 11-14 June 2000.

[26]    WOJTKOWIAK J„ POPIEL C.O.: A new laminar gap-type flowmeter (experimental investigations). 14" Int. Congress of Chemical and Process En-gineering, CHISA 2000, 27-31 August, Praha, Czech Republic, Mechanical and Heat Transfer Processes and Eąuipment - Summaries 3, p. 130 (streszczenie), CD-ROM of fuli texts.

[27]    B.BIERNACKA, J. WOJTKOWI AK, C.O.POPIEL, Temperaturę distributions in soil during summer time (experimental data). VII Int. Symposium: WERMEAUSTAUSCH UND ERNEUERBARE ENERGIEQUELLEN, pp. 47-54, Szczecin-Łeba, Poland, 18-20 September 2000.

[28]    POPIEL Cz. O., WOJTKOWIAK J„ BOBER K.: Some Experiments on Natu-ral-convective Heat Transfer from Slender Vertical Cylinder. Proc. of the 5,h World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamcs, Thesaloniki, Greece, September 24-28, 2001, Ed. G.P. Celata, P. Di Marco, A. Goulas, A. Mariani, Edizioni ETS, Vol. 1, 651-654, Pisa 2001.

[29]    WOJTKOWIAK J.. POPIEL Cz.O.: Entrance Length and Pressure Drop in an Entry Gap Flow. Proc. of the 5,h World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamcs, Thesaloniki, Greece, September 24-28, 2001, Ed. G.P. Celata, P. Di Marco, A. Goulas, A. Mariani, Edizioni ETS, Vol. 3, 1809-1813, Pisa 2001.

[30]    WOJTKOWIAK J., POPIEL Cz.O.: Hydrodynamic Optimization of Field-type Ground Heat Exchanger (Optymalizacja przepływowa gruntowego wymiennika ciepła typu rura Fielda). X International Conference on „Air Conditining, Air Protection and District Heating”, 651-656, Wroclaw-Szklarska Poręba, 2002.



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