6. The efect from point 5. will powerfully stimulate employees to increase their qualifications. And constant learning is an imperative of a modem economy. It is worthwhile adding, however, that it is also necessary to create much morę favorable conditions for already employed people to attain higher qualifications than those which exist today. It will pay collectives to devote much morę attention than until now to the education of their members.
7. Economic control of incomes will make possible the elimination of administrative control of prices including as well the various agree-ments which are now proposed. In that way the market will be able to operate morę freely, equalizing of the conditions of economic activ-ity will occur and there will be greater stability in the business activ-ity of work collectives.
8. The tax on above average pay funds will partially absorb mon-opolistic and technological rent and thus reduce non-labor incomes and contribute to approaching distribution according to the results of work. Now it should be had in mind that this socialist principle can be realized morę fully only on the basis of a complex and scientifical-ly founded eocnomic policy.
9. Every positive result has its price. The price in this case is that an equal ratę of tax is applied to both labor and non-labor incomes, i. e., on incomes which represent the result of morę efficient work as well as on those which originate in various market and institutional monopolies. Selectivity in this respect can be attained only by scientif-ically founded building of the economic system. Injured collectives can be partially compensated by imposing a milder tax ratę on the fund for common consumption. (This can be done without anything further, for spending of these funds does not influence prices.) But it is necessary to have in mind that the same possibility can be used also by collectives which are in a privileged position.
In conclusion we can assert that progresive taxation of the surplus of personal income funds would represent a significant step in the direction of a morę rational economic organization. But that is only one step, behind which the others must follow.
The cited proposed program represents in fact only one outline -obviously not the only one possible - adequate for the beginning of work, but not for immediate action. Although it is based on research of several years, such a program can become operative only after the necessary quantifications of measures and the expected behaviour of economic subjects are carried out. That can be accomplished only by the team work of scholars and functionaries of the State administration.