V-80 REODY, T. J. / Less Than a Score. But A Point: Pooms by T. J. Rcddy

V-504 RENAULT. MARY / The Buli From tho Sea

V-653 RENAULT. MARY / Tho Last Ot tho Wino

V-24    RHYS. JEAN / Attor Loaving Mr. Mackonzlo

V-42    RHYS. JEAN / Good Morning Midnght

V-319 RHYS. JEAN / Ouartet

V-2016 ROSEN. KENNETH (od.) / The Man to Send Rain Clouds: Contemporary Stories by American Indiana

V-976 ROTHENBERG, JEROME ANO GEORGE OUASHA (oda.) / America a Prophecy: A New Reading of American Poetry from Pre-Columbian Times to Ihe Present

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V-876 SARGENT. PAMELA (ed.) / Moro Women ot Wonder: Science Fiction Novelettes by Women about Women

V-41 SARGENT. PAMELA (ed.) / Women of Wonder: Science Fiction Stor es by Women About Women

V-838    SARTRE. JEAN-PAUL /    The Ago ot Reason

V-238    SARTRE. JEAN-PAUL /    The Condemned of Altona

V-65    SARTRE, JEAN-PAUL /    Tho Devil & Tho Good Lord &    Two Othor Piays

V-16    SARTRE. JEAN-PAUL /    No Exit and Three Other Piays

V-839    SARTRE. JEAN-PAUL /    Tho Reprievo

V-74    SARTRE. JEAN-PAUL /    Tho Trojan Women: Euripides

V-840    SARTRE, JEAN-PAUL /    Troubtod Sleop

V-443 SCHULTE, RAINER ANO OUINCY TROUPE (eds.) / Glant Talk: An Anthology ot Third World Writings

V-637 SCORTIA, THOMAS N. ANO GEORGE ZEBROWSKI (eds.) / Human-Ma-chines An Anthology of Stories About Cyborga V-330    SHOLOKHOY, MIKHAIL    / And Ouleł Flows tho Don

V-331    SHOLOKHOY, MIKHAIL    / The Oon Flows Homo to tho    Sca

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Spint ot Man

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V-133 STEIN. GERTRUDĘ / Autobiography of Alico B, Toklas

V-826 STEIN, GERTRUDĘ / Everybody's Autobiography

V-941 STEIN. GERTRUDĘ / The Goographical History ot Amer.ca


V-695 STEIN. GERTRUDĘ / Last Oporas and Piays

V-477 STEIN. GERTRUOE / Lectures in America

V-153 STEIN. GERTRUDĘ / Three L.ves

V-710 STEIN, GERTRUDĘ A CARL VAN YECHTEN (ed.) / Seloctod Writings ot Gertrudę Stein

V-20 STEINER. STAN ANO MARIA-THERESA BABIN (eds.) / Borinquon: An Anthology ot Puerto-Rican Literaturo

V-770 STEINER. STAN AND LUIS VALOEZ (eds.) / Aztlan: An Anthology of Moxi-can-American Literaturo

V-769 STEINER. STAN AND SHIRLEY HILL WITT (eds.) / Tho Way: An Anthology of American Indian Literaturo

V-768 STEVENS, HOLLY (ed.) / The Palm at the End ot tho Mind: Selected Pooms & A Play by Wallaco Stovons V-278 STEVENS, WALLACE / The Necossary Angel

V-896 SULLIYAN. YICTORIA ANO JAMES HATCH (eds.) / Piays By and About Women

V-63 SVEVO, ITALO / Confessions of Zero V*178 SYNGE, J. M. / Comploto Piays

V-«01 TAYLOR. PAUL B. AND W. H. AUDEN (trans.) / The Elder Edda Y-443 TROUPE, OUINCY AND RAINER SCHULTE (eds.) / Giant Talk: An Anthology of Third World Writings

V-770 YALDEZ. LUIS AND STAN STEINER (eds.) / Aztlan: An Anthology of Moxi-can-Amcrican Literaturo


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