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gramming algorithm allows the 27C128 to be programmed in less than 2 sec-onds — nearly a hundred-fold improve-ment over programming times of previ-ous algorithms.
For morę information contact Total Electronics, 9 Harker Street, Burwood, Victoria, 3125.
Hewlett Packard has introduced the HAMP-4001 and HAMP-4002 variable-gain controllable amplifiers, first of a new family of wideband amplifier ICs for use in circuits requiring automatic gain control (AGC). They are intended for wideband digital applications and analog applications such as radar and communication systems.
HP’s new thin-film hybrid variable gain amplifiers employ proven HP PIN diodę and microwave-transistor tech-nologies, in a Circuit conveniently pack-aged in an industry standard TO-8.
These amplifiers provide the designer with a modular solution to system-gain-control requirements, being easily cas-caded with other standard amplifiers in a 50 ohm system. The variable-gain amplifiers require only power connections, with the biasing and coupling provided internally.
The HAMP-4001 provides 22dB gain and 30dB gain control, with excellent
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Thombury, 3071 (03) 480-5803 (03) 484-4420 Distributor In N.S.W.
16 Barambah Rd East Roseville (02) 406-5762
gain flatness over the frequency rangę of 2 to 1,250MHz. These fiat stable characteristics are maintained over both the gain-control rangę and the temperaturę rangę of -55°C to +85°C.
The HAMP-4002 provides 17dB gain and 29dB gain control over the frequ-rency rangę of 2 to 1,600MHz, all with gain flatness of ldB over the same temperaturę rangę.
HP has also released a new family of LED lamps that emit infrared light, op-timized for maximum efficiency at a peak wavelength pf 940 nanometres (nm).
The lamps are available in two pack-age styles, T-l (HEMT-1001) and T-l 3/4 (HEMT-3301)./ The HEMT-
1001/3301 emitters are in untinted, un-diffused plastic packages with medium-wide radiation pattems, 60 and 50 de-gree included angles, respectively. These radiation patterns eliminate beam-focusing problems that may be encountered with morę narrowly radi-ated pattems. Opcrating temperatures rangę from -55 to + 100°C.
This combination of specifications makes HP’s new infrared lamps well suited for optical transducers, optical part counters, smoke detectors, covert Identification, paper tape or card read-ers, and for use in optical encoders.
Further details of both new HP de-vices are available from the distributor, VS1 .Electronics, 16 Dickson Avenue, Artarmon NSW 2064. ®
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